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For reference: Grace is 5'4. In heels, probably about 5'8


- Sometimes puts things up high on purpose because he wants to be the first one to help in the early days

- Now he does because it's funny

-Finds it incredibly cute when she's trying to reach something because she's so short

-Once full on window-wiper laughed for a good few minutes watching her stand on her tip-toes to reach a mug

- Didn't mind the telling off for it

- Has posted the video on Twitter for her birthday


- He knows how it feels because he's now shorter than Jungkook but he's still taller than Grace

- Will grab whatever it is without even thinking about it, even if he has to really stretch

- Another one who finds it cute but will scold her for climbing onto the countertop to fix the light

- She could have called him to do it instead of risking her limbs

-She's not allowed to do that ever again so has told all the boys to put things at Grace level


- Another one who full on will body laugh and fall over watching Grace struggle but is then very quick to get what she needs

- Has cleaned out the entire cupboards before and placed everything back at Grace level

- Apart from the boys snacks because they can go on the top shelves

- Has also done the same at clothes shops if there's a particular pair of shoes or handbag that's just out of reach

- Will swoop in and be the saviour


- He's a giant so nothing is a problem for him. 

- Dimple smile full on display when he realises what Grace needs and grabs it from the cupboard, shelf, whatever it is

- If she's next to record after him, he will adjust the mic to her heightHas done this on stage many many many many times

- Because of her height out of heels, she's sometimes in front of him so he can keep his hands on her shoulders. Even though she's older, she looks like his kid 

- Has broken her favourite mug when reaching for it


- Does take in great delight that he's taller than his noona but he's also shorter than Taehyung and so he knows what its like

- Silently is grateful when everything is moved downwards for Grace's height

- Had the greatest pleasure of grabbing something for her when she couldn't reach it and he could without any trouble

- They're the same height when she's in heels but he doesn't want to acknowledge that

- Jokingly called her mini-noona once


- Turns into Yoongi when it comes to getting stuff Grace needs. It's like he KNOWS before she does

- He has admitted he's sorted out her closet so nothing is too high. Will swap her winter clothes out for her summer clothes and puts them high so only he can do it 

- Very much the gentleman if she needs a hand getting down from something even if its stairs

- She's short, she needs an extra hand


- He just plain teases

- Is an utter terror when it comes to talking about his Noona's height out of heels

- Has admitted to putting stuff on a higher shelf so he can watch her try to reach it

- But will always come to the rescue, grab what she needs and make sure she's alright 

- Has also carried her around on his back or his shoulders to add that height if she needed it

Dangerous Woman - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now