BTS Moments: Taehyung, J-Hope and Grace - FAKE LOVE

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Taehyung took a step back from where he had just finished putting in Grace's earrings for her, adjusting the left one which was a small black cross then the right one which was a long dangly cross. Behind her stood Hobi as he adjusted the black harness that finished off Grace's FAKE LOVE outfit while the make-up artists finished painting Grace's lips red.

The whole outfit really gave off the temptress vibe that had started at the very beginning of the BU and now continued with their latest single FAKE LOVE.

"You look nervous noona," Tae commented as he sat down in the chair next to Grace.

"Well, let's be honest, I've not really worn anything like this for our music videos or performances so it's a bit different. I'm not sure how everyone is going to react," she admitted as she placed a hand on Hobi's shoulder to slip her feet into the bright red heels they had chosen.

It took a couple of months of meetings to come up with the outfit she was wearing now and she was very thankful that Hobi and Taehyung had spearheaded the whole thing. They were right when they said she needed to show off the fact she was a twenty-eight-year-old woman now, no longer having to hide behind baggy clothes. With this outfit, it would bring a new wave of revealing clothes for Grace.

The boys had picked a white boned corset that would cover her stomach just about but leave her arms bare as there would only be a pair of straps. Then there was a black harness with three straps wrapped around her waist, then two going up to her shoulders then down her back to hold it all in place. On top of that, she was wearing a pair of tight black leather pants and red heels, with black lace gloves to finish it all off.

"We picked good," Hobi said as he held his hand out to give Tae a high five.

"Quick, let's get a selfie before the rest of the boys see it."

The three crowded together as the staff took a photo which would later be used on their social media and then they took a selfie which Tae would like to show off to ARMY later on in his lives.

It was a bit of a walk from the make up area to the actual set of FAKE LOVE and staff members led the way with a torch, so Grace could see where she was putting her feet.

"Guys! Look at Noona," Tae yelled to the others who were waiting on set.

The camera quickly caught the rest of the members looking up from whatever they were doing and their jaws dropping, seeing for the first time what Grace was wearing.

"Don't make those faces," Grace groaned, clearly embarrassed by the attention.

"Where did you find this?" Namjoon asked, reaching over to touch the shoulder strap of the harness only for his hand to be slapped away by Hobi. "Leave it alone, it's perfect."

Yoongi glanced at the shoes then up then back down again, tilting his head. "Those shoes going to be a problem?"

"Only if Noona kicks them off and hits you in the face with it," Jimin replied on Grace's behalf as he gave her a quick back hug. "She looks amazing either way."

"Of course she does, we styled her," Tae boasted as he slung an arm around Jungkook who hadn't said a word since Grace walked onto the set. Then again, neither had Jin who caught Grace's eye and gave her a wink in return. Nothing needed to be said between the two, their relationship was secret enough for now.

"I'm going to have to fight off more boys now," Jungkook whined.

True to Jungkook's words, Grace gained more fanboys once the video was uploaded and the comments were flooded with words of encouragement about what she was wearing which allowed her to gain confidence thanks to Hoseok and Taehyung. 


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