Mother's Day - Jungkook & Grace

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Jungkook had spent the past two months researching everything he could about Mother's Day. In South Korea, they had Parents' Day in May but Grace had mentioned she needed to sort something out for her mother, who was British, and in England, they celebrated Mother's Day in March.

The reason for the research? Grace had been the one consistent female influence in Jungkook's life and had taken over the role of elder sister, then mother, the moment he walked through the doors of the dorm as a fifteen-year-old. A young bambi eyed teen, who had come to Seoul on his own to follow a dream and here was this twenty-two-year-old who had taken one look at him and had never left his side.

The rest of the boys always joked they had a hand in raising the maknae and while he agreed, their seven personalities filled out and formed who Jungkook was today, Grace had been the one to actually raise him. She, as well as Seokjin, had taken on the responsibility of getting him up in the morning for school, making sure he had breakfast, had lunch or money for lunch, making sure he got to school then was picked up, homework was done and then making sure he got to bed at a decent time.

As he graduated from school, it became more of a case of getting him up, having breakfast, going to practice or the concert or whatever schedule they had that day. Grace, no matter what she was doing or where she was, made sure that the schedule followed from his teen years to early adulthood.

As much as he hated being babied, when it came to Grace, he certainly didn't mind.

She was a bonus Mum, as he learnt to say. So he had to get her something for Mother's Day.

It was two days before Mother's Day and everyone was at practice, getting ready for one of their comebacks yet again. Jungkook had disappeared for half an hour and they were waiting for him to come back, all of them spread across the floor in various states. Only Grace was standing, running over the set list with the staff.


Grace turned around and found Jungkook with an armful of roses, various shades of pinks and purples and two boxes in his hands.

"What's this for?" Namjoon asked, just as Jimin jumped up with a horrified expression. "We didn't forget your birthday, did we?"

"No, it's Mother's Day," Jungkook laughed and handed over the goodies to Grace.

"Are these for me?" she asked, taken aback at what the youngest had done.

He nodded, suddenly bashful. "You've raised me since I came to Seoul all those years ago and I wouldn't be the man I was today because of you, well all of you. But noona, thank you for always being there - for all the nights you were beside me when I was sick, or making sure I did my homework, I ate or just being with me on my solo schedules. Thank you."

Jungkook suddenly found himself in the arms of Grace who held him close, allowing his face to shield away from the rest of the room in her neck. "Never thank me for that tokki. I will always be here."

The room was quiet for a moment, a sniffle from Hobi caused the two to break apart. He had a tissue up to his eyes, Yoongi patting him on the back with a roll of his eyes.

"What did he get you?" the third eldest asked, handing the ball of sunshine another tissue.

A member of staff, who had filmed the whole thing, took the flowers from Grace. Now with her hands free, she opened her presents. Inside one box was a gold necklace with JK as a pendant, its partner was already around Jungkook's neck and he pulled out the matching chain with GC initials. "I couldn't get a J for obvious reasons," he muttered to her.

Hiding her laugh and letting Jungkook put the necklace around her neck, Grace went about opening her second present. Inside she found a personalised velvet notebook with her initials on it.

"For your lyrics," Jungkook answered after ensuring the necklace was in the correct position.

"Thank you baby," she whispered to him and the nickname caused Jungkook to grin, hugging the woman who was like a Mum to him.

"You're welcome, Mum."

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