BTS MOMENTS - Taehyung and Grace: Scandals

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There was another notification from her social media in relation to Taehyung and what he had supposedly been caught doing. It had been happening a lot lately since their chapter two had started and there wasn't a moment when her social media hadn't informed her of something the boys were doing something fans were unhappy with.

He had been 'caught' smoking at the Grammy's and now he had been 'spotted' with Jennie from BlackPink in Paris. Grace had made it a priority to never involve herself in the boy's private affairs until it came to the point where they came to her for help or needed to talk. She never asked questions, tried to see from both sides of the pond and tried to keep her own personal thoughts to herself. They were grown men after all.

But it was clear it was all taking a toll on Taehyung.

He wasn't his happy self, he was quiet, tuned out and just not willing to be contacted unless it was someone he was close to. So Grace made him cover for dinner, even if it was just to make sure he ate dinner and to keep an eye on him. She would never ask, she would just wait.

"Noona," Tae started as he pushed at the steak his noona had cooked the way he liked.

"Hmm?" she asked, glancing over from where she was putting salad on her plate.

"Do you ever regret becoming an idol?"

It was a question she often asked herself, especially during her own troubled times. When she wasn't sure of herself, wasn't sure of her position in life, and didn't feel worthy to be given the career she had worked hard at. And she never had an easy and simple answer to it.

"Yes and no," she started and sighed heavily, leaning against the chair. "I miss being another Korean in a crowd, where no one knows who I am. I miss being able to do some normal and simple things. But this career has given me so many fulfilling moments that it sometimes outweighs the bad. Helping UNICEF, watching ARMY sing their hearts out whether it's English or Korean, being with you guys, and helping provide for my family. Yes, the lack of privacy does hurt but it depends on how you handle it."

They were both quiet for a moment and after a few minutes, Grace reached over to gently cup Tae's chin so she could lift his face to look at him. "Those who invade your privacy and those who talk about you on social media want one thing and one thing only - recognition. Don't give it to them. Do whatever you want, with whoever you want. But never give in. You are one of eight, we've got your back. And true ARMY who have been with you from day one, they have your back. These new ARMY's who believe what they see on social media don't deserve the ARMY title. Just remember that."

The Taehyung that came out of that dinner was more confident and cool, ready to take on his solo career, knowing he had his brothers and sister behind him every step of the way. Yes he would make mistakes, he was human after all, but as long as he was true to himself and what he believed in, no one could hurt him again. 

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