BTS Moments - Yoongi & Grace

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It was Yoongi's last night in Oakland, his last date in North America before he would take his Agust D tour to Indonesia. It had been one of the loudest crowds yet to date and the arena had been on fire the moment he stepped on stage - many moments caught by ARMY had already made it onto Twitter or TikTok, both of stage names trending at number one.

However, there was one more surprise left.

If Max and Halsey had been surprises for everyone, this was going to be the biggest one yet.

Grace had landed in L.A two days ago and had joined him in Oakland the night before, staying out of sight of everyone in the VIP box with staff and bodyguards. Jimin had his chance in Newark and now Grace would have hers, but in more ways than one. She had planned to come and support Yoongi in Seoul but after speaking to him and listening to his experiences, the decision was made she would fly out to support him on his last night in North America.

It was now the Encore, and instead of singing the Last, Yoongi had paused and a second mic had been brought up on stage next to him. "This is my last night in North America," he started and paused for the translation. "And it would only be right to go out with a bang, so I've asked someone special to come to Oakland and surprise you all."

They already had Halsey and Max, so ARMY whispered excitedly about who it could be. It wasn't until So Far Away began that the speculation began, phones instantly on record and Twitter was flooded with the news. Who could be coming?

"So far away, if I had a dream," Grace sang as she walked onto stage, the roar of the audience almost drowning out the music coming from her in-ears as she walked to her position next to Yoongi who stood back and watched, a fond smile on his face.

ARMY hadn't seen or heard from Grace much since the announcement of their military journey, knowing full well she would be left alone to continue as the only member of BTS remaining. No announcements had been made for her just yet, no sign of an album, no sign of anything so the fact she was here, singing Suran's verses alongside Yooongi.

And when it came to the final verse, as Yoongi sang or rapped the last part, there wasn't a single dry eye in the arena.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for my sister," Yoongi announced and Grace glanced towards him, chuckling before bowing in front of the audience then she wrapped up in Yoongi's hug. She paused, knowing what kind of moment this was as Yoongi had never been one for hugs so the fact he was giving one willingly, she closed her eyes and smiled even more at the light kiss to her hair.

She bowed for one final time, gave Yoongi's hand a squeeze and left him to close up his final night. She was proud of him, very proud of him. Grace had been there from day one and now it was almost as if she was closing the chapter of another brother, another one she would have to see off and then there would be another one. But until that moment, she would enjoy what time she had left with them.

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