BTS MOMENTS: Hobi & Grace - Are you sure that's safe?

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"Are you sure the heat pack needs to be that hot? That doesn't look safe," Hobi said as he watched from where he was sitting, frowning as the staff member handed over the portable heating pad that was switched on at 65C (149F).

It would be utterly typical that her lady day would start the same day as their performance in Tokyo Dome, the first show as well. Grace had woken up that morning in the hotel room, with severe cramps and a stain on the bed which was a little embarrassing to try and explain to the team and the hotel staff. Not only that, the cramps were severe to the point that the moment she stopped walking, she was bent over in the middle.

Really, not a great way to start their Tokyo performance.

Hence the reason the medical team got her period heating pad ready and had it on the highest setting they could.

"Hobi, I love you but shut up," Grace sighed as the heat made contact with her skin and the slight vibration was doing wonders for the cramp that was working its way across her abdomen.

"Well, it doesn't!" He defended himself as a member of their medical team handed over some painkillers to Grace with a bottle of water.

"Heat is the only thing that helps at the moment," grumbled Grace after swallowing the tablets and curling up into a ball on the couch.

They had a few hours left till the start of the show so for Grace it would be the perfect opportunity to have a nap, let the heat do its thing and then hopefully feel better to get up, get changed into the costume and have her make-up done. She just needed to get through each performance without leaking.

Hobi glanced over at Grace again and frowned once more. He knew it was going to be a bad day for her and he had lived with her long enough to know the best thing to do was to leave her alone, maybe find some chocolate and let her rest.

"Just don't burn yourself," he sighed as he grabbed a blanket and threw it over his sister, making sure to tuck her in. He could feel the warmth of the pad from the back of the couch and as much as he was worried, if it helped then it helped.

"Wake me up in a couple of hours?" Hobi heard Grace murmur from where her face was pushed against the pillow.

"Of course," Hobi laughed and pushed some of her hair away. "I'll make sure the team has some snacks ready for you as well."

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