BTS MOMENTS: OT8 - Spring Picnic

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It was rare to get a day off and the fact that it landed on a weekday, in Spring, with glorious sunshine predicted all day, meant that finally BTS could get together and enjoy the time off they could get. They were right in the middle of comeback season and preparing to go to America and break that impossible wall for K-Pop, so for the rare day off to appear Namjoon decided they needed to go and do something.

Which is how they found themselves in the Olympic Park, a 20 minute car journey from the studio.

It had been Namjoon's suggestion the night before that he'd like for all of them to go for a picnic in the secluded part of the park and enjoy a sunny afternoon, with all of them together and not think about work, not think about music, not think about the schedule they'd have to face the day after. So early that morning, Seokjin and Yoongi went out to grab the food, Jimin and Taehyung got the blankets, and Hobi and Grace got the rest of the bits such as the basket, drinks and the car.

Namjoon had been in charge of clearing it with the security, their managers and the rest of the team.

"You know, this isn't a bad idea," Yoongi commented as he lay under the shade of a tree, on his blanket with the rest of the group spread around.

"Namjoon would rather read his book," Hobi commented as he spread sunscreen over Jimin's face who protested.

The man in question with his book looked up from the page he was reading and frowned, saying nothing as he held onto his iced coffee and took a sip.

"And don't laugh," Hobi paused as he turned to look at Jungkook and Taehyung who were giggling to themselves as they watched Jimin struggle under Hobi's hold. "It's your turn now. Don't go running off without sunscreen."

"You're such a mother," Yoongi laughed as he plucked at some grapes. "You're worse than Grace."

"Excuse me?" Grace said, lifting her head from Seokjin's knee. "What are you saying?"

"That Hobi has taken over your duties as the mother of the group."

"So who is the Dad?" Jungkook then questioned, rifling through the picnic basket to grab some food.

There was a mixture of responses that came from everyone at once.



"Oh no," Grace muttered with a laugh as she covered her eyes, listening to the loud voices of seven men as they yelled their objectives of who was the father of the group, how one man was this role and why this was this and how and why.

It continued for another hour until they all went back to their spring picnic, now content to relax in the company of each other and their food until it was time to go back to reality and the demands of their career.

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