BTS Moments: Hoseok & Grace - V-Live

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There were five different shades of nail polish and at least four different choices of face masks in front of Grace and Hobi, who had turned on the V-LIVE only half an hour before. "Pamper day," he said as he held up the choices in front of the camera while Grace sat down with him, a cup of tea in her hand and a fluffy headband in the other.

They were in New York, at one of the hotels after finishing up their concert and the two were still wound up on adrenaline. The others had either gone to bed, gone to eat or in Yoongi's case, gone to make music. So best for these two sunshines was to chill, put on some of their music and pamper. After a full day of heavy make up, it was clearly needed.

"I have so many pimples," Grace sighed as she ran a finger over the spots that covered her jawline, normally cleverly hidden by foundation but now laid bare for ARMY to see. Hobi tutted at her as he pondered over the choices, finally picking one that helped hydrate the skin and cleared away any of Grace's little friends.

"Here, let's put this one on," Hobi helped pushed the fluffy headband onto Grace's head and moved any stray hairs out of the way. And with careful fingers and attentiveness that came from being the lead dancer, he slipped the mask onto her skin and smoothed it into place.

Hobi let out a giggle at what his noona looked like and turned to the camera, pausing to read ARMY's comments.

"Oooh, noona, looking good!"

"Unnie," Hobi read out in what Grace assumed was a poor attempt at a high-pitched girl's voice. "How do you deal with your pimples? Tell us your routine."

Grace laughed and took a sip of her tea, pushing Hobi's shoulder to bring attention back to her. "Put your face mask on, you ball of energy." While Hobi did that, Grace took the moment to study the colours of nail polish that the staff had given the two - clear to a pale pink, obviously neutral colours so they could easily remove it tomorrow before the concert or not bother and it wouldn't look so strange.

"Okay, let me do your nails and you speak to ARMY," Grace decided after picking the clear polish and took hold of her dongsaeng's hand. She half listened to Hobi talk about their concert or random tidbits he threw out after reading the comments and began to carefully paint his nails. She hummed his intro - boy meets evil - then took hold of his other hand, painting those nails with the same care.

"There, pretty!" she said she twisted the cap closed and leaned back to admire her work. "ARMY! Tell Hobi how pretty he is."

It didn't take long for the comments to come flooding in at their unnie's instruction, leaving Hobi a blushing mess and Grace laughing into her cup. Ah, you had to hand it to their fandom - they knew how to flirt without much pushing. 

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