BTS MOMENTS: Jungkook & Grace - Food Delivery

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Jungkook happily pushed the last bit of food into his mouth. There was something about coming home from a long day and having dinner cooked for you, everything homemade, and not something that he had to do himself or order. It was all there waiting for him, lovingly prepared and even better, he didn't have to do the washing up.

"Are you sure you don't want me to help?" Jungkook asked, handing the rest of the dishes to his noona as she filled up the sink with hot soapy water.

"Not at all. You've had a long day. Go and put your feet up and I'll join you in a moment," Grace said as she gave the young man a nudge with her hip.

He felt guilty as his noona worked even harder than he did and he hadn't really done anything important but she was stubborn and he knew better than to argue with her. So off he went to the couch he stole from the dorm, jumped over it and settled against the cushions. He grabbed the TV remote and flicked on the large screen, scrolling through the options.

It was nice to have his noona here.

After having to leave the dorm and live in their separate spaces, Jungkook missed the days when he could crawl into his Noona's room and have her undivided attention. And while they did dedicate time to each other, she lived twenty minutes away instead of being in the next room. Not only that, Seokjin was taking up much of her time as was her solo career.

But tonight she was all his and a sleepover organised.

He grinned at the sound of her humming in the kitchen as she did the dishes by hand (don't trust dishwashers) and he settled on the couch, tucking his legs up to his chest. It was the perfect night until it wasn't.

Security rang at the intercom and Grace had beaten him to it, asking who it was and what was going on.

"Really? That's odd as we've already eaten and haven't ordered anything. Is it from someone we know or a local restaurant?" she asked over the intercom, wiping her hands on the cloth.

"No? Right, okay. Bring it up then please."

"Noona?" Jungkook asked from the couch.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to check something. You stay here."

She was being stubborn again.

He heard the voices outside his front door as he sat upright, his fingers tossing the remote control up in the air then catching it and fiddling with the buttons.

"Jungkook, did you have any food ordered for tonight?" Grace asked as she closed the front door behind her and made sure it was fully locked.

"No, I haven't ordered anything in over a week."

"Hmm, we need to inform the team then," Grace sighed as she came over and handed him the receipt from the order. It was clearly from a fan who had found his address and had ordered him food.

Jungkook groaned and covered his face with his hands. "No way," he sighed.

"Come on. You're packing up some clothes and staying at mine tonight. Seokjin's waiting for us," Grace nudged Jungkook towards the bedroom. "I'll call the managers."

As promised, Seokjin and a manager were waiting outside the main doors to Grace's building and Seokjin didn't relax until both Jungkook and Grace were tucked up in her bed, covers tight around them.

The next day, Jungkook went onto WeVerse to warn ARMY. 

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