BTS MOMENTS - Jungkook & Grace: Bloody Hell

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Jungkook's and Grace's designated hour that they had set aside each day began only a few seconds before, both of them laid up on Jungkook's bed with Jungkook sitting at the end and Grace at the top looking at the younger man with much amusement. He had promised he was going to learn at the least the basics of English and had begun a few months ago, but obviously, it was hard for all of them to pick it up. So to make it easier, Grace had promised him for every test completed she would teach him a swear word in English.

Jungkook had passed his test yesterday, with flying colours, even if the pronunciation was a bit lacking and as promised Grace was teaching him his first swear word.

"Bloody hell," he said but it came out a jumbled mess as the translation app repeated it back to him.

"It's more bloody hell," Grace said as she slowly pronounced it, emphasising on the 'ie' bit of 'bloody.'

"So why isn't it spelt with ie? Why it is a y?" Jungkook asked, clearly frustrated or trustrated.

Grace shrugged, throwing her hands up as if to say 'I only speak it, I don't teach it.' "Don't ask me, ask the British people how they come up with these swear words. And don't worry, they get harder and more detailed so you've got some catching up to do."

Jungkook sighed heavily and closed the translation app on his phone, tossing it to the floor and turning to his noona. "Okay, repeat it again."

"Bluh," she started and Jungkook repeated it.

"Dee," she continued.


"Bloody hell," Jungkook said it together and it sounded it better than it did before but clearly needed more work.

"What does it mean?" he asked after half an hour or saying it.

"Erm, it's our way of expressing anger or annoyance. Such as 'Bloody hell, what was that?' or 'What the bloody hell did you do that for?'" Grace explained, glancing up when Jungkook burst into laughter.

"Ah, so that's what you're saying everytime we do something stupid. I'll have to use that more often then."

"Oh sod off."

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