BTS MOMENTS: Hobi & Grace - Watermelon Nails

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If there was one downside to comebacks, it was the nails. Everytime there was a comeback with music videos to shoot, photoshoots to do and then performances to do, Grace's nails always had to be done. The nail technician took great delight in creating specific designs relating to the song or album but making sure they were workable as well. And Grace took great delight at having them cut off until the next time.

But here was comeback season and they were in L.A to shoot their music video for Black Swan. Grace's hotel suite had been set up as a wardrobe and a beauty parlour just for her since she had three (or even more, she had lost count at one point) outfit changes. Not only that, they were in the process of dying her hair to a honey blonde for the shoot. Beauty, as it turns out, took time. Which is why the stylists, hair team and nail team were getting an early start the day before the filming.

"I'm hungry," Grace pouted as the nail technician held onto her hand, painting the fake almond-shaped nails perfectly. The other hand was currently under some kind of UV light.

"What do you want?" her manager asked from the couch, feet resting on the coffee table with the remote control on his stomach after he had found a channel that showed American baseball.

"I think Hobi had some watermelon so that would be nice. And another cup of tea would be great, maybe some squid jerky if we have any," Grace asked. She would have turned her head to look at her manager but it was currently in the process of being dyed.

"I'll go and have a look at what we've got. Anyone want anything else?" he asked, slipping on his shoes. Once her manager got the staffs list of snacks, he closed the door to the suit behind him.

It was nice to listen to the hair stylist and nail technician gossip, with Grace joining in when she could. Most of the time she was around the boys or even the male staff, who treated her as some kind of royalty and normally wouldn't converse with her. Her manager didn't give two hoots anymore and routinely shared the latest gossip and stories. Her bodyguard was just as bad.

"Snack delivery!" Hobi declared from the door, holding aloft a bowl of cut up watermelon and a tea cup with a straw. "Manager-nim is on snack store duty but he won't be long."

After bowing to the stylists, Hobi pulled a chair to his noona's side and took a good look at her. Within a few moments, he grinned and hid his laugh behind his hand. "Ah noona, you always look funny during these times."

"I hate you so much. Are you going to feed me or not?" she playfully glared, pulling out her hand from under the UV light to show Hobi her nails before she was instructed to put it back in. "I'm currently in nail mode."

"Of course, that's why I'm here," Hobi said as he speared a piece of watermelon onto a fork and held it to Grace's lips. The fruit was soon devoured.

"Guess you were hungry. Must take a lot to have your nails and hair done?" he laughed, giving her another piece.

"You have no idea," Grace muttered around the fruit. "This comeback is painful, in more ways than one."

"But you look good. ARMY is going to have a field day when they see you blonde again with those nails and those outfits. I've just been having a look at them," Hobi added as he angled the straw to Grace's mouth.

"I'll end up dying but as long as the music video looks good who cares."

"I'll make sure to get plenty of photos of your nails and hair to show ARMY of your sacrifice. Those are pretty pointed though. You sure you're not going to poke an eye out?" Hobi mused as he stood and leaned over the table to look at the technician's work.

In quick retaliation, Grace poked Hobi's side with one of the nails in question causing him to jump and squeak. "Who do you think I am? Namjoon?"

 "Who do you think I am? Namjoon?"

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