BTS MOMENTS: Namjoon & Grace - AMERICA

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With the number of times they had come to America and had dealt with American interviews, the people, the crowds, etc. you'd think the boys would have become blase about it. But they were still over the top, still vibrant, still loud, still bouncy, still wide-eyed to the big American cities. And in the interviews, which they had become used to, they were still excited and amazed that an American magazine wanted to interview them.

The first few interviews had been a bit of a mess but Namjoon and Grace had worked out a system. Namjoon would sit at one end nearer to the interviewer, Seokjin next to him and another member next to him. In the back, Grace would sit behind Namjoon and other members next to her. That way the two could control the members but still keep an eye on the interviewer and hear the questions without much hassle.

Grace didn't know if it was the abundance of Starbucks coffee or if it was the fact they were all running on little sleep, but everyone seemed very extra bouncy today. "This is going to be a nightmare," Namjoon groaned into his hands which then rubbed his face, willing for him to wake up just a little to deal with six hyper men.

Yoongi included, who actually looked interested in the interview coming up for once.

"This is why I stick to tea," Grace sighed as she lifted the cup and all but downed the hot liquid. It wouldn't wake her up like coffee but it would keep her alert enough to make sure no one said the wrong thing.

"We all need a nap, maybe a few hours. But we've got no break today until tonight when we get to the hotel rooms and we've got rehearsals as well."

Grace could see Namjoon starting to fret and worry, knowing at times like this he went into double leader mode - leader of BTS, representative of BigHit, all eyes focused on him because of his English, never wanting to put Grace on the spot because it wasn't her job even if she was British.

"Listen, the questions are pretty simple so you and I can handle them between us. The boys will just jump in with their random English like they do or Korean words which the interviewer will think it's cute and if Jimin flirts a bit, then there's no harm done. Stop worrying, we've done more important interviews with no sleep and they've come out fine," Grace reached over to squeeze Namjoon's upper arm, frowning slightly. "You need to stop going to the gym. It's getting ridiculous."

"Also, you need a bit of a haircut," she added as she reached over to gently tug the styled hair. Namjoon leaned away, batting against her hands which she grinned at.

"I know what you're doing noona, and thank you," he sighed and took a moment to breathe in, breathe out and relax. If he was relaxed then the others would be and it would be smooth sailing.

And one look from Grace would soon sort them all out anyway.

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