BTS MOMENTS: OT8 - Winter Days

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Winter days at the Bangtan household/dorm

There's no log fireplace but Jimin wishes there was one as he spreads various blankets over the couchGrace & Seokjin are in charge of the hot chocolate, as well as the chocolate chip cookies Jungkook has promised he hasn't eaten three alreadyTaehyung has though (including some of the batter which isn't the same)Yoongi has cleared the projects on his list so they can have a day like thisNamjoon as well and he's got a book picked out as well if he finds the movie too boringHobi had been in cleaning mode to make sure the living room was perfect and everyone had matching pyjamasI'm thinking ones that look like candy canesYoongi took one look at them and refused but then couldn't say no when Grace looked at himEveryone has matching socks with their names on Taehyung has got Cinderella on the TV ready because he thinks snowy winter days calls for DisneyGrace wants Sleeping Beauty nextJimin has Bambi cued up because he thinks the characters in it match them. Jungkook is Thumper after all...or is he Bambi because of his doe eyes?This causes a long discussion as they all settle on various areas of the couch.Grace has to be in the middle because Jimin has claimed one side and Jungkook has claimed the otherTaehyung has claimed her feetNamjoon is content to stay at the corner end of the couch, where his plastic mug sits on the end table. His hot chocolate is topped with whipped cream and a flakeHobi settles next to their leader, keeping his named mug away by cuddling it to his chest. There are no mini marshmallows or cream. It's boring Seokjin has settled on the corner that's nearest to the kitchen because he'll be in charge of the snacks. He's gone all out on his hot chocolateYoongi is next to his eternal roommate and has also gone all out on his chocolate, no matter how much he complains about how sweet it is"Ya! That's what you get for adding sugar to it."Haha sugar for SugaThe kids are a mix of overloading their mug to the point it's overflowing or in Jungkook's case - can he fit a cookie on top of the mug and sip the hot chocolate threw it? No.Grace is just content to pull her fluffy blanket around her lap, hold onto her 'Mum' mug and drink all the cream first to get to her hot chocolate. She's acquired three cookies of her own. Jungkook, you can fuck rightly off because these are mineShe'll be asking Seokjin to make popcorn before Sleeping Beauty comes on thoughThe room is dimly lit, the heating is on and even though it's snowing up a storm in Seoul, the Bangtan is warm tonightThey'll end up falling asleep where they are after pizza but no one complainsMaybe Yoongi but then his shoulder hurts

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