BTS MOMENTS: Yoongi & Grace - Shoulder

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"Are you sure you don't need anything?"

"I'm fine Gigi. I've taken my painkillers and I've got my squeezy ball."

Grace sighed as she placed the glass of water down on Yoongi's bedside and adjusted a couple of things so he had easy access to what he needed.

It was his first day back after his surgery and after staying with his parents for the first two weeks but now he wanted to go back to work, even with one working hand and so arrangements had been put in place for Yoongi to come back to the dorm.

And as much as Grace wanted to be at the dorm to look after him, they had plenty of schedules to take care of including one where they would have to leave for in an hour. So that gave Grace enough time to fuss over her younger brother, make sure he had everything he needed and make sure that there was no risk of him hurting himself anymore.

"I've got the TV remote," Yoongi held up the device in his hand and pointed it at the TV at the end of his bed. The program he had been watching last night showed up on the screen, ready to go. "And I've got my phone so if I need to call anyone, I've got it at hand."

"Hmm," Grace mused as she fluffed up the pillows a bit more but knew better than to overdo it with the affection and fussing. "Alright, we'll see you in a few hours or maybe tomorrow morning, depending on how this goes. Seokjin has made you some food, you just need to reheat it in the microwave. And the usual are on call in case you need them."

"I'll be fine - I'm planning on sleeping. Or I might go LIVE and see ARMY," Yoongi shrugged then winced at the pain.

"Don't overdo it," Grace warned as she reached over to smooth Yoongi's hair away from his eyes.

"Noona, the car is going to be here in twenty minutes," Jimin said from the door. "I've got your stuff ready but Namjoon has lost his phone."

Yoongi hid his grin by turning to the TV and turning on his program, ignoring Jimin's giggles at Grace's long sigh.

"Of course he has. I'll be right there," she told Jimin then turned to an unsuspecting Yoongi by gripping his chin and turning his face to her. She managed to squish his lips with her fingers and he glared up at her.

"Cute," she chuckled and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "See you later."

She released him quickly, darting out the door to deal with the rest of the brood as Yoongi grumbled from the bed.

His parents weren't this bad. 

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