BTS MOMENTS: OT8 - Foot Volleyball

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She had left the boys to their foot volleyball, knowing full well the weather had predicted rain in the next two hours or more. All she wanted to do was go take a hot shower, put her pyjamas or comfy clothes on and then settle herself on the couch with the TV and a cup of tea. A lazy day was required, especially since she had done nothing but cook and run after children for the past few days.

Bam was the first to notice her, running straight for her so she quickly grabbed hold of his collar to stop him from jumping up. "What are they doing, Bamie? Are they being silly?" she asked, sitting down on the step and tugging the dog a little closer to her so she could scratch underneath his chin. "You having fun being out in the open?" she asked, laughing when Bam turned his own head and slobbered her in dog kisses.

"Thanks," she said as she finally let him go and stood. "Come on, let's go and see whose winning."

Grace didn't know if it was her quick reaction or whether intuition just kicked in but the moment the ball headed towards her by a strong kick from Jungkook, she paused for a brief moment and kicked it back, sending it soaring over their heads and down the small hill.

"We get a point for that!" Namjoon called out, pointing towards Grace. "She served for us."

"Ya, that doesn't count! No one should get points for that," Yoongi replied as Jungkook ran to get the ball.

"Going well then," Grace commented as she sat down next to Hobi underneath the umbrella. "Same as usual," he replied as he watched Jin kick the ball back in the direction to an unsuspecting Taehyung.

Of course, Bam saw the opportunity to get involved.

"I'll go and keep him distracted," Hobi laughed as he and Grace finally managed to wangle his leash to his collar. "I'm going for a shower then I fancy a night on the couch. You doing anything?" she asked, keeping the dog trapped between her legs.

"Jimin and I are planning on some FIFA," Hobi shrugged as Bam tugged on the leash.

"I might join you then."

Sixth sense kicked in and she turned, spotting Jimin ready to kick the ball back over to Jungkook and Yoongi as Jin raced off to get the other ball.

"Jimin, if you think of kicking that over and cheating, you've got another thing coming."

Jimin paused, his foot lifted to do said action before thinking better of it. "How does she do that?" he muttered to Taehyung and Namjoon, who looked amused by it all.

"Also don't stay out here too long, it's going to rain soon."

"You're such a mother," Yoongi called back and grinned at the hidden finger flipped in his direction.

"No one like a smart ass, Yoongi."

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