BTS Moments: Namjoon & Grace - Happy Birthday!

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"Namjoon! Namjooooon! Open the door for your noona!"

How he managed to hear the words over the music blasting in his headphones was a mystery but the moment he realised who was outside, Namjoon almost broke his headphones and fell over his chair in order to get to the studio door.

He didn't expect to see his noona till tomorrow with it being his birthday but his schedule had been packed up with a couple of meetings, going out with friends and his normal weverse live with ARMY. A quick glance at the clock showed he still had an over an hour till midnight.

"Happy early birthday!" Grace smiled, holding up a white box which held his cake and in her other hand there was a bag filled with presents.

"You've gone overboard again, Gigi," Namjoon sighed but the sight before him made him feel a lot lighter. He had been locked up in his studio since Hobi had gone into the military, trying to get his own schedule clear so he could enter the military as well and his schedule was never-ending. So the fact his noona had cleared out time in her own schedule to wish him a Happy Birthday made it all worthwhile.

"Well, it's your birthday soon and I know you're too busy with everything and this will be my last one with you for awhile so let a girl spoil her leader will you? Now let me in."

She handed him the bag of presents the moment she stepped inside the studio and placed the cake on a table where it wouldn't be knocked over. Though she was sure he'd forget about it and it would go rotten so she sent a quick message to their manager to remind Namjoon about the cake while said birthday boy dug through his bag.

There was a track being worked on and she could hear the music being played from the headphones Namjoon had left behind as he happily ripped apart the wrapping paper. The stuffed crab she had gotten for him was placed carefully on his desk and he turned to the last present in the bag, a thin item wrapped in a different type of wrapping paper.

"What's this?" he asked, sitting down in his office chair to gently pull away each corner of the wrapping paper.

"A surprise, a very early one," Grace shrugged as she sat down on his couch.

When he finally got to the present, there was complete silence from him. In his hands was the first-ever copy of her upcoming album which wouldn't be released until next year.

"It's not fully finished, there are still some major tweaks and there's a song missing from it but I wanted you to have the first-ever copy. I designed the album cover specially for you so don't go selling it," Grace laughed.

This album had been a long time coming and Namjoon knew of what she had scheduled with Sejin and Hitman Bang to cover the gap left behind by the rest of them so ARMY were in perfectly capable hands.

"Thank you noona, for many many things." It was rare for Namjoon to call Grace noona and it made her look up, seeing tears in his eyes causing her to jump up to hug him. "Joon, you don't need to thank me for anything. Just take care of yourself for me. I need my leader."

He would have Grace's schedule programmed into his calendar and he would regularly check on her but he would never forget this birthday.

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