BTS MOMENTS: Jin & Grace - Sugar Gliders

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"What on earth are they?"

Jin looked up from where he had been feeding his sugar gliders sliced apples to see the only female member of BTS standing there with a pile of washing in her hands.

"These are Odeng and Eomuk, my sons."

"Your sons?" Grace asked, amused as she stepped into Yoongi's part of the room and dumped the washing on his bed since it was his after all. "And your sons are what exactly?"

"Sugar gliders," Jin answered as he handed one to Grace who took the animal in one hand and took a bit of apple with the other. "My parents bought them for me last week. I'm not surprised you don't know about them, you never step a foot in here."

"Yoongi moaned at me the last time I did that because I touched his underwear that he had left in his basket to wash so I never came back in," she said completely distracted by the cute animal in her hand as it nibbled on the apple. "Jungkook's been collecting the laundry instead."

Jin laughed at that, placing Odeng in the cage while Eomuk continued to nibble on the apple, content to stay in Grace's hands.

"Thinking of getting a pet yourself?" he asked, wiping his hands on the paper towel.

"Nope, I have seven animals to look after already and they're pretty messy to deal with. At least their potty trained," Grace grinned as the sugar glider finished its treat and she handed it back to its father.

"One of us isn't," Jin grumbled and Grace laughed, standing up from where she was sat on Jin's bed. "I'll tell Namjoon you said that then."

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