BTS MOMENTS - Namjoon & Grace

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They were back in America and had landed in Los Angeles only the day before, leaving no time to rest before the interviews began and their attention was demanded across the multitude of talk shows. Every time they came to America, they could see how it drained Namjoon for the amount of translating he had to do and though they had Grace as a second translator, Namjoon always held out and tried not to use her unless he needed to.

She could see him struggling - the questions were more detailed than normal and required a lot more thought than just the usual standard answers. The answers the boys had been taught and prepped to say no longer mattered when the interviewer was asking detailed questions about what they thought of the relationship between K-Pop and Western Music and how they complimented each other.

Namjoon sat between herself and Seokjin, an arrangement they had agreed on in the early days when they first started coming overseas. Seokjin could keep an eye on the rest of the boys and Namjoon, Grace would be on hand to step in and translate. And the glance the two of them had in front of Namjoon came down to one agreement: this was getting too much. Namjoon was running on coffee fumes, with little to no sleep and jet lag all at once. It wasn't that he wasn't capable but on his tired brain, it was becoming a bit impossible.

Finally, Grace had enough. She rested a hand on Namjoon's arm and leaned to whisper in his ear. "Let me take over, you need a break." She could see him wanting to argue, even in front of the interviewer and she could see it in his tired eyes that he was about to when Jin rested his hand on Namjoon's arm - she finally got the nod.

The next question, though directed at Namjoon, Grace answered instead and she easily slipped into her British accent causing everyone who wasn't their staff or the boys to do a double take. Clearly they had expected one member of BTS to speak English and hadn't counted on one of them being a British citizen.

The interview was wrapped up quickly with Grace's short but direct and detailed answers and when the door closed behind the interviewer and their staff, then could Namjoon let out a long sigh and sag in his chair.

"Thank you Noona," he groaned while rubbing his eyes and ignored the chatter from the rest of the room.

"I keep tell you Joon, anytime," she patted his knee and gently nudged him, making him look at her. "You don't need to do this on your own. I've always been here, ready and willing."

There was a signal from their manager to let them know the next interviewer had arrived and Namjoon looked at his female member then the rest of the boys then back to Grace. "Your turn Noona, your turn."

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