BTS MOMENTS: Hobi & Grace - Why did you leave me?

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"Hey! Why did you leave me?"

That was the first thing she heard from J-Hope as she left the outdoor equipment store with a bang in her hand, after returning something she then realised wasn't in her size. She had followed Hobi who had bought something by accident and it had taken hers a little longer to return.

"What's going on?" Grace asked, glancing towards where the campervan and the car should be parked but found both of them to be gone.

"You even left Grace-noona here!"

"They left?" she asked the crew who nodded and she stood there for a moment, her brain deciding to shut down for a moment to process the thought.

"Give me that," she said as she grabbed the phone from a still yelling Hobi. "Ya! Jimin-ah! How could you leave us like that? What do you think you're playing at? I can't do anything here as you've got my driving license and passport! Whose stupid brain thought up of this?"

Jimin fell against the chair laughing but Grace's yelling could be heard over the radio, as Seokjin and Yoongi glanced at each other in horror. "We left Gigi behind," Yoongi muttered and covered his eyes with his hand, wondering what hell was going to come with this.

"Ah it was Seokjin-hyung. He thought of leaving Hobi-hyung behind but I don't think he knew you were still in the store," Jimin finally replied through his laughter.

"I've got all the money as well," Hobi muttered as he held it in his hand and held it up for his sister to look at.

"Oh really?" Grace asked. "Apparently Jin came up with the idea of leaving you behind but didn't realise I was with you."

"Ya!" Hobi sighed and looked over, seeing the car driven by Seokjin quickly swing around into the gas station.

Grace hung up on Jimin and gave the phone back to Hobi, wondering not for the first time in life what she deserved to be put in a group full of jokesters. Taehyung was silent in the car as he moved all of the stuff out of the way for Hobi to get in, followed by Grace.

"Ah Grace, we didn't know," Seokjin started to say but soon shut up by the glare he got in the rearview mirror.

"Okay," he said as Yoongi glanced over at him, trying his best not to laugh.

"Here Hobi, I'll join you in the campervan," Grace said as she followed him out of the car once it was parked up next to the campervan.

"You really made her mad," Taehyung commented as the door shut behind them and glanced over at his hyungs in the front. "You have a lot of grovelling to do."

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