BTS & Grace- Bed Time

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They somehow managed to get the same hotel room. That was a miracle in itself since she was normally roomed with one of the maknae line so she could keep an eye on them and Seokjin was normally with Yoongi or Namjoon. They had also been given a double bed though it came with a side-eye look from their manager when he handed them the room key.

Grace let out a groan as she flung her tired body onto the bed, ignoring the fact that she was still wearing her travelling clothes, that she hadn't taken a shower and that she hadn't unpacked yet.

She felt a light tap to her shoe and opened one eye, seeing Seokjin standing there with his hands on his hips. He was about to go into Dad mode, she could see the words forming already and she knew exactly what he was about to say.

"I know, I know. I need to go shower," she sighed and reached out her hands with a slight pout.

"Then up and at it," he grinned and tugged her up. "It's nearly bedtime. Go shower while I deal with these suitcases and we can watch that episode we missed."

"Room service as well?" she asked, turning on the bathroom light and wincing at how bright it was.

"Wedges, I'm guessing?" he called out, pulling open his suitcase to grab his pyjamas and laying them over the radiator.

"You know me well," Grace yelled back as she ran her shower. It took all of 30 minutes to have a quick shower, do her skincare routine and come out to find the TV was on, wedges had been delivered with plenty of dips and Seokjin in his pyjamas with a facemask on.

"That never stops being hilarious," she giggled at his facemask as she pulled her own pyjamas on and crawled into bed, taking the bowl of wedges with a happy sigh. Seokjin's arm landed around her shoulder, tugging her close while he turned to their program they had been watching on the plane.


"Are you sure you're okay with me being in the same bed? Won't hyung get mad?"

Grace levelled Yoongi a dead stare which had him shutting up and climbing under the covers with a slight bit of difficulty as his arm was currently in its brace. He had been having bad nights recently where he was struggling to roll over, to get to sleep, to then wake up and get out of bed to go and get a drink or go to the bathroom. So every morning he was waking up, more tired than when he had gone to bed.

Grace being Grace had taken one look and went into worry mode.

"Yoongi, just get in the bed. No Seokjin won't get mad, in fact he suggested it and if you didn't want to, he'd be sleeping with you. So shut up and get yourself comfortable," Grace said as she turned on the bedside lamp that was next to Yoongi and handed him the remote control for the TV.

The great thing about being the only female and the eldest, it meant that she had her own room with a double bed, with a TV and right next door to the bathroom so she normally got to the shower first.

"I'll go and get some water. Pick something to watch and I'll be back in a moment," she said as she closed the door behind her.

Yoongi sighed and shuffled against the pillows that had been propped up for his shoulder, doing what his sister had told him and turning on the TV to flick to some documentary they had watched ages go.

"Ya! Go to bed! We're up early in the morning," he heard Seokjin yell in the hallway, followed by the giggles of Jimin and Taehyung then the deep laughter of Jungkook.

"No Kookie, you can't sleep with me tonight," Yoongi heard Grace sigh outside of the door. "Yoongi is with me tonight. Sleep with your Jin-hyung." There was a loud groan that echoed around Grace's bedroom as she opened the door and closed it again.

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