BTS MOMENTS: Seokjin & Grace - Happy Birthday

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She could hear him before she could see him.

Grace always had a knack for hearing the boys before she could see them, especially when she was woken up in the middle of the night by the rapline returning home or Taehyung and his nighttime wandering or Jungkook looking for a snack, or Seokjin and his late night studying. It had been a habit that had grown since she had moved into the dorm and it continued when she and Seokjin moved into their place.

Now her hearing was in tune with her maternal feelings, keeping an ear out for her daughter who was only seventeen days old.

It had been an adjustment getting used to being a mother to a newborn and while everyone joked that they had been raised by Grace in one way or another, especially Jungkook, this was her first time experiencing being an actual mother.

Grace smiled into her pillow as she heard Seokjin gently shush Min-Ji who meowed to be let into the bedroom. There was a bit of whispering, more from Seokjin, and no one responded to Grace assumed that he had either been whispering to the cat or to their daughter, Bora.

Her face turned neutral as the door to the bedroom opened, a flash of white fluff flying in and jumping on the bed.

"You couldn't wait," Seokjin muttered with a sigh and using the muscles that came from his military training and subsequent gym visits and idol training, he gently placed his daughter down next to her mother.

Now his arm was free, he placed the many many bags of presents down at the end of the bed.

"I thought I said you don't need to go overboard this year," Grace muttered into the pillow, unable to feign sleeping anymore.

She opened her eyes in time to see Seokjin jump out of fright and then frown at her, putting a hand on his chest. "And this is the thanks I get for slaving over your favourite breakfast, looking after our daughter, getting all your presents collected."

Grace snorted and rolled over, stretching with a yawn.

Gently, she leaned up against the pillows and picked up her daughter, holding her close to her chest as Seokjin disappeared then came back with a tray. On it was a plate with a traditional full English breakfast (sausage, egg, bacon, beans, hashbrown and mushrooms) and a mug of tea.

She honestly couldn't wait to marry this man.

"Happy birthday," Seokjin grinned as he pressed his lips to her forehead.

May 14th - her birthday and her first one as a mother.

Note: Happy birthday to Grace! Thank you to all the readers who have been with Grace from the beginning and show her love every time. I appreciate you all.

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