Grace Vlog - Family Day Out

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As the last vlog to go out on Big Hits Youtube account, Grace's was at least over an hour long with the thumbnail of her in the driver's seat and a question mark over the person in the passenger seat. Nothing fancy, nothing over the top. Just simple and straight to the point that this video would be about Grace doing her daily thing.

"Good morning," Grace grinned at the camera that was pointed at her as she sat in the driver's seat for the Hyundai Palisade. "I didn't really know what to vlog as nothing much is happening for me and I know the boys are off doing their own thing, but I got a phone call from someone yesterday who needed my help today so I promised them I would dedicate the whole day to what they needed but I'd have to vlog about it. So that's where we're going."

Grace turned the engine on and plugged in her phone, pressing a couple of buttons on the navigation. "I should also explain one of the managers is in the back in case anyone thinks there's a random person in my car," she added as she pulled on her seatbelt. There was a deep chuckle in the back which made her smile. "Sorry Hobeom-oppa."

She pulled away from HYBE's parking spaces and onto the busy roads of Seoul, which was in peak morning traffic. There wasn't much talking other than the sounds of someone tapping their phone and the low sound of music coming from the system, which seemed to be classical. "It's odd not having one of the guys in the car with me," she suddenly said. "There's always someone there," she added as she waved a hand in the direction of the passenger seat. "Always talking."

After fifteen minutes of driving, she pulled into another underground parking lot after waving a card at the machine. She pulled into one of the spaces and left the engine running, pulling out her phone to send a quick message.

"I bet she's going to be late," she muttered to her manager who got out and opened the passenger door.

ARMY would be then utterly surprised to see another woman, slightly taller than Grace and obviously much older climb into the passenger seat. "Sorry I'm late! Your father handed me another list of things to get."

Grace laughed and reached over, hugging her mother.

"Let me introduce you," she said as she waited for her mother to get settled into her seat. She then pointed to the various cameras. "Mum, say hello to ARMY. Both in Korean and English."

The older woman, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, pale skin with freckles spread across her nose and thin-framed glasses, looked puzzled for a moment until she realised. "Ah," she muttered, then gave a small bow from her seat. "Hello, I'm Hea's mother," she said in Korean before smiling, the same smile Grace had. "Hello, I'm Grace's mum," she then added in English, with a clear London accent.

"Okay, where are we going first?" Grace asked, as Hobeom got back into his seat and closed the door behind him. She reserved out of the space and out of the underground parking.

"Well, we need to get your Dad some new shirts," her mother said in English then switched to Korean for the benefit of the cameras and Hobeom in the back. "And then I've got some grocery shopping to do and we need to get some bits for your grandparents, since we're visiting them at the weekend which you've cleared your schedule for?"

Grace gave a quick glance to the manager in the back who nodded. "All clear. It would be nice to see them, I haven't seen them since the new year?" she guessed. It was hard to keep up with what day it was, never mind what month it was.

"New year," her mother confirmed. "So before you get busy again, it's probably best to spend some time with them. I think the uncles and aunties and cousins are coming as well."

"Ah, the Chu family reunion," Grace laughed as she waited at the lights to head to the Starfield COEX Mall. She had a mask and a bucket hat in her bag to throw on when they got there.

Of course, it was extremely busy there for the time of day and thankfully the disguise did the trick as they got through the entrance from the parking lot and up to the floor to the shop where her Dad got his shirt's from. Of course, it didn't stop her mother from having a quick wander around and it didn't stop Grace going into the bookstore and coming out with two large bags.

Poor Hobeom, who had volunteered to carry the bags, obviously didn't realise who he was shopping with. "We'll get your favourite food after this. We're going to Gwangjang Market as well," Grace promised as she wrapped a hand around his arm.

What was meant to be an hour at the shopping mall, had turned into two hours though you couldn't tell from the editing done by the team. They had timelapse the whole thing into a quick segment, which ended up with them leaving the mall and on the road to the market.

"The famous Gwangjang Market, as seen on Netflix," Grace commented as she weaved through traffic easily.

"It's not the same as the markets in England when it's Christmas," her mother added.

"No, it's not. We need to go back at one point, maybe take the boys," Grace mused. "They'd like a Christmas market, especially like the ones in Berlin."

It had been awhile since she had been home to England and it had been even longer since she had been to Berlin, just to go and be a tourist rather than perform. She tried to go back home with her parents as much as she could but with their schedule and then obviously COVID, it had waylaid any plans.

"Jungkook would love the food," her mother laughed. "His eyes would grow massive at the size of those popular sausages and pretzels."

"You know for a fact they would love the beer in Germany," Grace scoffed but she was smiling as she said it, pulling into the famous Korean market.

"Here is where the fun begins but let's get something to eat first," she said as they got out of the car. It was going to be easier for her to be recognised in this place, mostly because her mother stood out the most. For Grace it was easy to blend in with a mask and a hat because of her Korean eyes, but for her mother, who was clearly a foreigner, not so much.

So she ditched the disguise and took the mini camera with her, leaving her phone and keys with her manager.

They found a space at one of the stalls selling kalguksu, korean knife noodles, and so Grace paid for their lunch while normal everyday people carried on with their lives. One or two people spotted her and waved and the owner of the stall they were at asked for her autograph, but other than that they carried on peacefully.

By the end of their visit, Hobeom was carrying three large bags of stuff for Grace's mother and two of his own. Grace was carrying another three bags in one hand and one in the other, which contained some of the things she had seen. And her mother had one small one.

"I feel bad that you have to carry it all," she apologised to the manager. It was clear they had known each other for a long time because Hobeom laughed it off and shook his head, speaking for the first time. "Angela-ajumma, it's honestly no problem. I'm happy to help."

"Call me Angela without all that Korean part," her mother said with a wave of her hand causing Grace to grin.

"Try saying it in English," Grace pointed out to her manager as they walked out the market.

"It's no problem Angela," he said very slowly and it was a bit of broken English but it got to the point.

"There we go! Just don't tell Grace's father about that because you know how he is about speaking Korean," her mother laughed as they loaded the bags into the car.

"He's a fussy ajusshi," Grace sighed as they all climbed into the car and made the trek back over to Seongsu-dong as her parents lived within minutes of SM Entertainment and the Seoul Forest.

The vlog ended with her mother waving goodbye to the camera and giving Grace's cheek a kiss as she got out of the car.

"ARMY, thank you for joining me on a day out with my mother. I hope to see you all soon and maybe, we can take you all to England with us one day. Bye for now," she waved at the camera before turning it off and getting out of the car to help with the bags. 

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