Well the secret's out - Grace

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When ARMY got the notification that Grace was going live, the app saw the biggest jump in traffic it had seen in awhile. The news was spread on Twitter, message apps, Tumblr and even TikTok. The reason for the massive buzz was this was the first time Grace would be live after the news of her and Seokjin's relationship had become public knowledge via BigHit's confirmation. So many many many fans were wondering if she was going to admit to anything.

"Hello everyone," Grace grinned as she adjusted the camera. "I'm in the studio right now as you can see. And yes, I promise I've been working on my solo stuff. There's plenty of news coming soon but I just wanted to come and say hello since it's been a while."

The trusty mug of tea was ever present and a couple of snacks. Unbeknownst to ARMY, she had been secretly preparing for her tour as well as a special BTS tribute show that no one knew about apart from the artists that had been selected. Even the artists attending didn't know she was coming. So many exciting things were coming for everyone to enjoy.

"Noona, how are you doing? You look a bit tired," Grace read one of the comments. "Thanks very much. I promise I am sleeping but I'm just very busy lately. So many exciting things coming for you guys but you have to wait a bit. My time is coming."

That sent off a spiral of suggestions with the boy's solo careers thrown in the comments as ARMY begged their Noona for a hint. "Ah sorry everyone, you won't get any spoilers from me. That's Namjoons job. But I promise I won't keep you waiting too long."

She rested her feet against the desk and pulled the screen a bit closer so she could read the comments. With a bowl of fruit in her lap with a hand holding onto the handle of the mug, she looked the perfect picture of unbothered. Completely unaware of what ARMY was asking for or very aware of what they were asking for, but letting them go for it either way.

"News? What news?" she asked, popping a strawberry into her mouth. "Is there news?"

Noona! Stop teasing! We all know now!

Seokjin! Come and collect your girl. She's teasing us.

Ah she's learning too much from Yoongi.

A small grin tugged at the corner of her lips but it soon disappeared, replaced by a 'I don't know what you're talking about' look. But it soon went away the moment a name appeared in the comments, causing ARMY and social media to explode.

'Jagiya, give them what they want. They want all the gossip.'


God damn it.

"Shouldn't you be training?" she asked, ignoring the comment for a moment to play around in her bowl of fruit as if she was trying to find something.

'I have a spare half an hour to come and torment you.'

"Thanks very much," she sighed and grabbed a handful of grapes. "Okay fine. Gossip. Yes, the truth is out. Seokjin and I have been in a relationship since 2018. We didn't know quite how to tell you all, the boys found out a lot earlier obviously, but someone leaked the information that I had gone to Seokjin's ceremony which is for families only. So we had to come out and give the game up."

She's said it in such a matter-of-fact way. Like we should have known from the beginning.

Noona! You can't just drop that on us like that.

How did the boys know quicker than us? How did they find out?

'That's for another night when we're all drunk and you can handle the R-rated version.'

"Seokjin! You can't say things like that! You'll give the wrong idea!"

'Wrong idea? I think you'll find I'm quite correct.'

"ARMY, don't listen to him. Training has gone to his brain," Grace sighed as she finished off her bowl of fruit and placed it on the desk along with her mug. He was being such a menace and he could do it within the safe confines of his base without any repercussion from her or the management team.

Jinnie we need more!

What happened? What's going on?


'Hyung, you can't just come in and say things like that. Noona has a reputation to protect. She's Korea's noona.' Jimin.

"Listen, both of you go away. It was me and ARMY's time. I'm here to listen to their issues and worries, not gossip about my life," Grace groaned into her hands which then sent another spiral of comments.

But noona, this is important for our health! We need to know more!

When was the first date?

First kiss?

'First date was at the dorm and first kiss was at the dorm.'


"Well I don't need to reveal anything, Seokjin is going to do that for us," Grace laughed as she threw herself back into her chair as she threw up her arms. "Half an hour better come quickly."

There was nothing more from Seokjin after that or Jimin, having decided it was better to retreat, so Grace was left alone with ARMY...finally.

"Finally. Anyway, I just wanted to say we were hesitant to reveal anything because we know what the media and everything else is like when it comes to KPop couples so it was trying to find the right time. Of course, anytime we have planned something then something else has happened like COVID, Butter then the military. But of course, we never planned to leave you guys out of it. If anything we wanted you to be included as soon as possible but we all have our insecurities and worries," Grace explained with a small smile. "But nothing has changed. We're still Seokjin and Grace, still members of BTS. Still here. Nothing will change."

What are you planning, noona?

"Many, many things. But now isn't my time. The boys have so much planned and I can't wait to see it all. So I want you all to support them first and give everything they do a lot of love like you always do. My time is coming, you just have to be a little patient. But I will see you all, in person, very soon."

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