SUCHWITA - Yoongi & Grace

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Bora Note: SUPRISE! I thought this was going to take a few days but it came out easier than I thought. I hope you all enjoy

As a gift to ARMY who had promised to wait for him to come back from his military career, Yoongi had scheduled a surprise episode of Suchwita to be aired the day after his enlistment. Teasers were posted just as the news came that he had entered the military, causing ARMY and the world to take to social media to shout out their excitement. Finally, Grace Chu was going to be a guest.

"So," Yoongi started with a clap. "This was filmed just before I go into the military and I want to give you all a little gift to say I won't be long and that I'll be thinking of you. And what better way to do all that than by giving you the episode you've waited the longest for. Are you ready?" he asked, turning to each camera.

"Okay, my guest today is BigHit's first female trainee, BigHit's ace, Seokjin-hyung's world, Namjoon's trainer, J-Hope's sunshine, Jimin's comforter, Taehyung's translator, Jungkook's mother and my support. She's known as Korea's Noona, ARMY's queen and England's rose," Yoongi read off his iPad, echoing the words of Seokjin all those months ago. "Please give a big welcome to my sister, Gigi."

The video that played for ARMY was a selection of video clips from the early days of their career to the most recent, each clip with a different member to reflect Yoongi's words and ending with Grace on stage on her own with ARMY in the background.

"You always say such lovely things," Grace smiled as she made her way towards the small table as Yoongi stood up, arms open wide with the crew loudly clapping in the background. "You're also very cuddly these days."

"I'm allowed to be. I'm going into the military," he answered as he gave her a quick tight hug then released her. "Now I know you don't do alcohol so I've organised some hot chocolate. But you promised me you'd do a shot of soju so I've got the citrus flavour for us."

"Ah is that the new flavour?" Grace asked, picking up the bottle with an orange top. "Fitting then for the two of us." She accepted the shot glass with a smile and clinked it against Yoongi's, swallowing the shot in one go. "You know, not that bad."

A large white mug with hot chocolate was placed in front of her and Yoongi, as well as finger snacks such as nachos and the like.

"So," Yoongi started as he wrapped his hands around the hot mug. "I've been told not to talk about your solo career, well I've been warned. But I want to ask, for ARMY's sake, stuff is coming right?"

"Stuff is coming. Everything is planned and ready, sort of, but it's coming."

Yoongi stared at her and she grinned, shrugging. "That's all you're getting."

"Gigi," he almost whined. "You need to give more than that."

"Nope. All will be revealed in time, you just have to wait."

She nearly pointed out that he looked like that grumpy cat that was a meme a few years ago but she said nothing, distracting herself by scooping up some nachos and putting them in her mouth.

"Fine," Yoongi finally said. "I did kind of have a plan in my head of what I was going to ask you that wasn't related to your career or anything like that. And I want to start by saying thank you."

She must have looked completely puzzled so Yoongi quickly clarified.

"Thank you for always being there for me and the guys. If it weren't for you, I don't think we would have succeeded. You made sure we went to bed, made sure we were fed and clothed, and looked after us when we were ill. If it wasn't for that support, I don't think any of us would be here today. Especially Jungkook."

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