BTS MOMENTS: Jungkook's parents part two

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Grace held back a yawn, lifting her hand in time to cover her mouth. It was well past three am, everyone was fast asleep apart from three others. She had been woken up by Yoongi pushing at her shoulder, muttering something about Jungkook being ill and had followed him to the bedroom only to be pushed to the side by Jin who had hurried an even paler Jungkook to the bathroom.

They had remained in there for an hour until Jungkook had come out, looking incredibly ill and shaken with a stressed looking Jin. It took the combined efforts of Grace, Yoongi and Jin for Jungkook to go back to bed and they had about to do the same thing themselves when the unmistakable sound of someone throwing up alerted them that all was not well with Jungkook.

So here they were, in the dorm's living room, with Jungkook laid out on the couch with his head in Grace's lap covered by a blanket from Yoongi's bed and his feet resting in Jin's lap.

"Is this what it's like to be parents?" Yoongi yawned, placing steaming mugs of coffee on the table in front of the couch and plopped on the floor.

"Hmm?" the question startled Jin out of his sleep, his head lifting itself up from the back of the couch to look at Jungkook then Yoongi.

"At least it's not like we're dealing with nappies," Grace muttered with a yawn as she stretched her arms up, trying not to dislodge Jungkook in her lap.

That got disgusted looks from the two men in front of her, causing her to chuckle and take the mug of coffee from Yoongi. It wasn't her drink of choice but seeing as she was probably going to get no sleep from now on, coffee was going to be a bitter blessing.

"I hate being ill," Jungkook muttered from underneath the blanket that he had pulled up to cover his mouth.

"We know," Grace sighed as she ran her fingers through his sweaty hair. "You must have eaten something that didn't agree with you."

"Too many lamb skewers," Jin grinned as he returned to his previous position, leaning his head back against the couch to close his eyes.

"That restaurant hasn't failed us yet," Yoongi commented as he reached over to smack his hyung's knee before patting Jungkook's shoulder. "It's just a twenty-four hour bug. You'll be fine in the morning."

The look Yoongi got in return from the sickly maknae suggested that there was no way in hell he was going to feel better in the morning.

"Come on, you need some sleep. Try and close your eyes, we're here," Grace pulled the blankets away from Jungkook's mouth and smoothed them over his shoulders.

"I'm sorry for waking you all up. You were the only ones I could think of," Jungkook murmured, pushing his head into Grace's lap.

"It's fine, JK. We're here for you, as always," Jin squeezed his feet as Yoongi rested his head against the couch, so he was near Jungkook's waist. "Just wake us up if you feel ill again."

The rest of the dorm found them the next morning, fast asleep around a still pale Jungkook but at least he was safely surrounded by the three who he knew he could lean on at any time.

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