Grace & Places

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"So this is where your eomma comes from," Seokjin stated as he looked at the house before him on a random street just outside London. He had no clue where he was and he honestly had no clue what day it was, he just knew that they had landed in the UK two days ago, they had just done Britain's Got Talent and they had one day before they performed two sold-out nights at Wembley Stadium.

"Born and bred," Grace proudly stated as she looked at the house. It was nothing when you compared it to some of the expensive property inside the city of London and it was nothing compared to what her mother was currently living in just outside Seoul, but this was Grace's roots all the same. "My grandparents bought the house off my grandmother's parents who had lived there before them and my great-great-grandparents lived here as well," Grace explained as Seokjin linked their fingers. "So it's home in a weird way."

Of course, Grace had been born and bred in Manchester and until there was an opportunity to show Seokjin as well as the rest of the boys her hometown, London would have to do for now. Being a mixed Korean-British idol, the first of hopefully many, and performing at Wembley was a big dream come true and the fact she could show off her heritage to her boyfriend was just another spoonful of sugar added to the cup of tea.

The bodyguard near the car looked unimpressed just as Seokjin had.

"Hmm, I hope you don't expect us to find something like that in Seoul," Seokjin mused as they turned away from the house after sending a picture of it to her mother. "I don't think the security on it would hold the world away."

"I think Taehyung has his sights on us all living together until we're eighty," laughed Grace as she took the keys from their bodyguard. "And I'm pretty sure he'd marry all of us at once if he had the chance."

Grace was glad she got the opportunity to return home, albeit briefly. And maybe one day she would come back with her parents, then with the rest of the guys and maybe, just one day, with a family of her own.


All Yoongi had heard the moment they stepped foot on the Vegas strip was 'Yoongi marry me.'

It had been a running joke for a while now, appearing in various live videos either of Yoongi on his own or the group. And then the boys had started running with it and it only got worse after their live video they did when they had returned from the Grammys, empty-handed once again.

"How do you know so much about marriage in Las Vegas?" Grace questioned the next morning, all of them meeting in the suite to have breakfast together. Yoongi and Grace were the first ones to arrive, Seokjin had been the first awake but he had been taken by the medic to get his bandages changed.

"You know I look up everything about where we go," Yoongi shrugged as he poured his coffee. "Plus, I wanted to know what the rules were in case you and Jin-hyung decided to surprise us all and get married at one of those chapels."

It was hard to hide his grin when he heard his twin scoff, knowing full well there would be a slight blush on her cheeks. It had been five years now since Seokjin and Grace had finally got together and while it was old news, no one had stopped teasing the two eldest members.

"Do I look like the type of woman to be married by an Elvis tribute act?"

Yoongi paused and glanced over, taking in their female member with a serious expression. "Maybe if the tribute act belonged to Beyonce but definitely not Elvis."

"See if you ever get invited," Grace mumbled as she took her plate to the table.

"I have to be invited. Who else is going to know the rules and regulations and do all the legal bits for you? Who else is going to be able to stand there and help?" Yoongi followed Grace to the table, taking in great delight in where this train of thought was going.

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