Jin & Grace's lowkey moments...part one

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Seokjin being interviewed and Taehyung giving instructions on what he should say to the camera during the BANGTAN BOMB of their performance of Butter for Stephen Colbert. After winking and giving a heart to the camera, Seokjin's ears turned bright red and he turned to look at the mischievous looking boy. "Ya! You can't say things like that about Grace!"

Taehyung giggled off camera and Seokjin went back to his interview but you could see Grace wander over, wrapping an arm around Tae's waist and pulling him away. You could hear her in the background say, "You can't make him say stuff like that about me."


At the December 2018 KBS, they played Jin's Epiphany solo. Jimin got down on one knee and held out his hand to Seokjin who took it with an awkward laugh, spotting Grace coming up behind Yoongi. She caught what was happening and hid a laugh behind her hand, though she soon switched and mockingly glared at Seokjin while motioning with her hand that she had eyes on the pair.


Grace had just caught Seokjin hitting Jungkook with the arm of the chair out of the corner of her eye, so she gave him a whack on the arm in retaliation. Fans filming the moment caught Seokjin pouting at the female member who rolled her eyes in return, turning her attention to the stage. The camera caught Seokjin reaching for Grace's hand, putting a hot pack in it and holding on tight for a moment then letting go.

He then reached over and brushed a lock of hair away from her face, making sure it didn't tangle in her earrings. You could see the two mutter something to each other before turning away and returning to watching the stage.

They were recording a reaction to their debut stage at MCountdown, with Grace sitting in the middle of Jungkook and Yoongi at the back. It was embarrassing to watch them back then, especially the outfits which compared to now, would have been very old school and not what you would find them wearing now.

When it got to the point of the boys flashing their abs, Jungkook and Yoongi covered Grace's eyes quickly. "Why are you doing that? I've seen all that before," she laughed as she pushed their hands away.

"In more ways than one," Seokjin replied without realising as they watched the screen, causing J-Hope to burst out laughing as he draped himself over the eldest male.

A couple of ARMY'S pointed out on Twitter how Seokjin would always be the first person to help Grace up the stairs to the stage to accept the award or keep nearby in case she needed a hand down any stairs, even during a performance. They commented on the small smiles between the two and how Soekjin's hand was never far away from Grace's or her back. It was evident during the GRAMMY performance when Seokjin had injured his hand that Grace had returned the favour, keep a hand on his arm at all times to keep anyone getting to it.

During a RUN BTS episode, when they were dealing with clay and Seokjin's clay was growing increasingly *ahem* large, Grace happened to glance over and catch his eye. You could see her mouth 'don't you dare' at him when he went to make a hidden lewd gesture. 

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