Insecurity - Jimin & Grace

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Little warning beforehand - I don't know the full extent Jimin went through in his diet days and I don't know what made him change. I also don't know if a doctor was ever involved. Also, I'm not medically qualified to know for certain what would happen. Please take care reading below.

There seemed to be a telepathic message that went around what was known as the 'elder' line. First Hoseok had spotted it then the message got to Jin then Yoongi then to Namjoon who then told Grace, known as the mother of the group. It wasn't hard not to see it when it was so plain in the face, even if Jimin thought he was being secretive and clever.

He didn't eat dinner, again. The last time he had eaten was nine days ago.

The weight was falling off him and the extreme diet he had put himself under for the new music video had started to worry everyone. Even their managers and staff had pulled Jimin aside to question what he was doing, whether he needed a nutritionist and offering alternative ways to help him lose weight but in a healthy way. Everything had been declined.

So now it was time for Grace to take matters into her own hands.

He had fainted yesterday. Dropped right in front of her and it had shaken her so much that she thought he had died. Lack of water, lack of sleep and lack of nutrients according to the doctor. They were ordered to keep an eye on Jimin and to implement a diet that wasn't going to shock his system but to give him everything he needed.

Soon roast dinners would be the future of every Sunday and even the food-shy Jimin would soon call for it to be a thing. But for now, he couldn't look at food without turning green.

How did you help someone who didn't want to help themselves?

How could you convince someone they were insanely good-looking without the help of a diet? How could you convince someone they were everything and more when they didn't believe it themselves?

Grace entered Jimin's room he shared with Hobi and found him curled up on his side, phone in his hands and reading an article on the newest fad diets that would lose weight quicker. "Are you stupid?" Grace asked, closing the door behind her.

The sudden question made Jimin drop his phone but he said nothing, frowning at her.

"Are you stupid? Because if you continue this, BTS are going to be seven members because the eighth one is in the ground, rotting like a corpse because he was too stupid to see what he was doing to himself."

As much as Grace wanted to comfort and cuddle, hard love was needed as well. Jungkook hadn't learned from his mistakes by Grace wrapping him in cotton wool.

"Jimin, don't you know how serious this is?" she gently asked, taking hold of his thin wrist and wrapping her fingers around it. "Look at this. Where is the strong Jimin who could bench press his weight in a few seconds? Where is the Jimin whose dancing background would tell him his wrists are going to snap? Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm fat," the whisper came.

"Fat? Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter because it's true."

"Fat," Grace muttered with an angry growl. "Right okay."

She gently pulled Jimin up and pulled out of the room, towards her bedroom where a full length mirror stood against the wall.

"You are thin, dangerously at this point but you are not fat. Your body needs the fats to give you the energy to dance, to sing, to show off your incredible moves. Denying your body of that is going to cause you long-term damage," she said as she stood behind him, wrapping her arms around his thin waist. He never left his head, just stared at the ground.

"Right, starting tomorrow, you and I are on the same diet."

That jerked a response out of him as he straightened up, turning to look at his noona with a horror filled face. "Noona you can't."

"Why not? It's good for you isn't it? I need to lose weight so I might as well join you."

"You can't. It's..." he trailed off and realised what he was about to say.

"Dangerous," Grace finished for him with a small smile. "It's dangerous. ARMY want to see you fighting fit, not skinny skeleton fit. They want to see those thick thighs and thick arm muscles. Comparing yourself to when you first debuted is pointless - you still were growing, you still had baby fat. So did Jin."

She could see the cogs working in Jimin's mind as all the strength he had accumulated by laying down suddenly left him and the only thing that was holding him up was Grace's arms.

"Promise me that starting tomorrow, you'll start to wean yourself off this. Me and Seokjin are with you all the way, we'll look at portions and anything you need. But you need to eat. You can't not eat for another 10 days."

She felt Jimin's head rest on her shoulder and she stayed silent, holding him close. Finally, the tears came so she gave him a squeeze. "I'm here, chimchim. Let us help you."

The agreement came the next day at the dorm between the boys, Jimin, their doctor, management and Grace - the diet would be weaned off and small meals for Jimin would be prepped so he could pick at them until his appetite came slowly back and then they could take it from there. Finally, Grace could see the light starting to come back.

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