BTS MOMENTS: OT8 - Graduation

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There were a few moments in time when Grace could recall feeling like Jungkook's actual mother. The one memory she always brought up was Jungkook's high school graduation, just at the time You'll Never Walk Alone became an album. To see him there, in his yellow uniform, all grown up gave her mixed feelings.

From the small bambi eyed youngster to now nearly a man, a golden maknae.

So much had changed from their first meeting to him starting high school and now graduating. It felt like a lifetime had passed and she wondered if this is how most mothers felt when they saw their children accomplishing their dreams and goals.

They had been there for the ceremony, had seen him get his certificate and now were at the restaurant they had first come to for his high school entrance ceremony. It seemed like so much time had passed yet it was only two years.

"Noona looks like a proud mother," Jimin giggled as the three eldest members went through the menu.

"Huh? What are you saying about me?" Grace asked, glancing up from where she stood behind Jin and Yoongi's chairs.

"Jimin said you looked like a proud mother," Namjoon answered without looking up from his phone.

"Who isn't proud of Jungkook? He's graduated and done very well, he got a special award and all and he's done all that while being an idol," Grace started as she made her way round the table to sit down next to Jimin. She could see Jin about to open his mouth so she cut him off, knowing exactly what he was going to say. "Yes, we know you've done the same."

The table laughed at the pout on Jin's face just as Jungkook came back after putting everyone's orders in.

"What are we laughing at?" the young man asked, looking adorable in his yellow uniform."Noona being proud of her son and Jin-hyung being Jin-hyung. By the way, you look cute in that uniform," Jimin reached over to pinch Jungkook's cheek.

He got a slap on the hand in return but Jungkook did nothing when Grace did the same, a bit more gently. "You do look cute though. The tie is very fetching," Grace grinned as Jungkook glanced down at the blue tie and sighed, knowing full well he hated the thing.

The rest of the dinner went well even with Jungkook paying, wincing at the price that was presented to him. As they all went to their respective cars, Grace wrapped an arm around the youngster's shoulders.

"I am proud of you though. You did amazingly well despite all the odds."

"Thank you noona. And thank you for all your help as well, including Jin-hyung and Yoongi-hyung. Without the three of you and Namjoon-hyung as well, I wouldn't have made it."

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