BTS MOMENTS: Jungkook & Grace - Military Hair

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It was great to be back in the game - to have a comeback planned, to be back in the practice room, to have his brothers back together and for his sister (or mum) to be there as well. There were a couple of changes since the last time he had been in the HYBE practice room, one of them being Grace being a couple of months pregnant with a small bump to show for it.

Of course, there was excitement and joy at the new arrival and there was a bit of stress because their plans had be to changed and adapted but that's what BTS were good at. Jungkook couldn't wait to become a big brother or uncle to the Bangtan Baby that they had recently nicknamed.

The other changes were physical - they were all toned, muscular, a bit more strict with themselves and probably less to cry over simple mistakes. And some of them had taken to growing out their hair now they weren't under the strict military hairstyle they had to keep to.

For Jungkook, he had gone back to his Dora the Explorer days and it was a constant battle to keep his hair out of his face while dancing. He didn't want to cut it, not yet. No matter how much Grace, Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon called him out for it.

"Jungkook!" Grace called from where she sat to take a water break. "Come over here."

The maknae wandered over and Grace reached over, gently pulling him so he was in front of her and shoved him to the floor. "Noona! What the-" he started to say after he found his backside meeting the floor.

"Shush. I'm getting fed up with you trying to see yourself through your amount of hair," she said as she used a brush that always came with her to brush through any knots that occurred during dance practice. Once that was done, she parted his hair down the middle and gently pushed him back against her legs.

Methodically, she began to braid his hair back away from his face as the others talked around them, coming to join Jungkook on the floor. Once she was all done, she pulled the braids together and tied them at the base of his neck.

"There we go," she said as she patted his shoulders. "No longer looking like Dora the Explorer."

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