BTS Moments: Yoongi & Grace - Ghost in the Kitchen

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Something forced Grace's eyes to open at an ungodly hour as she stared up at the ceiling of her room, wondering what had woken her up in the first place. She was going to leave it for a moment, thinking it was just her body not used to the amount of sleep she was getting on her days off but then she heard a noise coming from what sounded like the kitchen.

Now, as far as she was aware, she was the only one at the dorm.

Her mind automatically went to one of the boys coming home early but the sounds didn't match that and then her mind went to an intruder and she sat bolt upright. Her alarm clock told her it was 2am, definitely an ungodly hour in her mind and as she sat there, she wondered what the hell she was going to do.

Slowly climbing out of bed, she grabbed her phone and opened up the manager's number as a just in case. No point in contacting any of the boys as she knew Jungkook and Jimin had gone home to Busan, Seokjin was visiting his parents as was Namjoon, Hobi had gone on holiday with his family and Taehyung had gone to Paris. Yoongi was still in Seoul but staying at the studio.

He would be no use as he never looked at his phone while he was working.

Grace opened her bedroom door as quietly as she could and made her way towards the kitchen, trying to be as quiet as she could as the noises from the kitchen grew louder. There was a pale figure in the middle and her heart stopped for a moment, wondering if she was seeing what she was actually seeing.

"No way," she muttered.

Jungkook had always talked about the dorm being haunted and everyone, including herself, had laughed at him and said there was no such thing. How wrong they were.

"Gigi, you alright?"

Grace was happy to admit that she let out a scream, jumping in place at the voice that came from the darkness. Suddenly the kitchen was lit up by the lamp she insisted on having because she hated big lights and there was Yoongi with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Oh my god," she muttered as she pressed a hand to her heart.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I thought you were a ghost," she admitted with a laugh and pushed her hair away from her face.

"Wow," drawled Yoongi. "Thanks so much."

"I wasn't expecting you to be in the kitchen making coffee at 2am," she defended. "Why are you back anyway?"

"I'm tired and I ran out of coffee so I came back to the dorm. I'm going to go to bed then head back after a few hours," Yoongi shrugged.

Grace stared at the pale, younger man for a moment then sighed, turning on her heel. "I hate you sometimes." She left the rapper to his coffee, wanting to get back into bed and forget what had just happened.

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