BTS MOMENTS - Seokjin & Grace

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In The Soop

How Grace managed to be in the car with Seokjin and Yoongi was a mystery as she expected to somehow end up with Jungkook but here she was in the driver seat, Seokjin next to her and Yoongi in the back. They were driving to a location deep in the forest of South Korea for a staycation, organised by their staff and team though it would all be filmed.

To be honest they needed it - the pandemic had taken its toll on them all with everything they had planned being cancelled left right and centre. Everything was uncertain and every moment they woke up, they expected their days to be completely thrown out the window. So this little break was going to be a perfect way to restart.

The only problem with Seokjin being in the front was he was in charge of the music as well as criticising her driving. "Listen, at least I got a license compared to our glorious leader," was her comeback everytime Seokjin complained. Yoongi, however, was perfectly content to sit in the back and play on his phone.

"Ya! You need that lane," Seokjin cried out while pointing to the left lane, almost blocking Grace's view of the road.

"Jin! Quit that! You don't need to block my view," she gently but firmly gave his hand a good tap and he yelped in the most dramatic fashion, holding his hand as if he was injured.

"Hyung, you always act like this when Grace drives," came the comment from the back and Grace caught Yoongi's eye in the rearview mirror. "Thank you Yoongi-ah. It's nice to know someone appreciates me. Listen," she turned her attention to Jin briefly after switching lanes. "You put on the music, remember we're being recorded and stop being a dramatic queen."

"Dramatic queen," Seokjin muttered under his breath and turned his attention to the playlist, scrolling through until he found the one he wanted. The beginning of Daechwita began through the speakers and Grace smiled, opening the window a little to let in the air.

"Here I come," Yoongi sang to the opening 'Daechwita' and then finally the beat dropped, causing everyone to bop their heads along to it with Grace rapping along perfectly to it.

"Toll bridge," Seokjin warned and Grace sighed, staring at him for a moment. "You are such a Dad. I feel like I'm driving for the first time with my Dad, having just passed my test and I'm in his car. Stop worrying. I've driven us loads of times."

"And you've nearly crashed for most of them."

"Ah," Grace raised a finger and grabbed the ticket from the toll booth which she managed to do without having to lean half way out of the window, not like Jungkook had to do behind her when he got to it. "I've only nearly crashed once or twice and that was because of other drivers."

She ignored the scoff from the passenger side and if she wasn't on camera, she would have flipped her finger at him but she ignored him and let the two younger men begin to bicker instead.

When the episode was released afterwards, the episode was clipped so many times and the reactions to the moment were split down the middle between 'Dad/Daughter' and 'Old married couple."

Note: Slight change since I know Yoongi was driving originally and I loved that part of In the Soop, especially when Yoongi and Jungkook couldn't reach the ticket. So this is my slight variation of it 

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