BTS MOMENTS: Seokjin & Grace - Dancing in the Kitchen

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Everyone else had long gone to bed and the cameras were long turned off, the staff having left as well so the first proper night for In the Soop would be well spent resting. However for the two eldest, Jin & Grace, they were still in the kitchen cleaning up from the dinner they had prepared for everyone. Jin tackled the dining table and brought everything to the counter so Grace could wash the dishes by hand as she hated using a dishwasher.

"There's food in areas where there shouldn't be," Jin complained as he reached down to wipe up food that had left someone's chopsticks. It took another good scrub at the floor before the stain cleared and Jin stood to stretch his back, wincing slightly at the click it gave. He was getting old. Too old.

"Well, you know who that will be," Grace said from where she stood at the sink, rinsing a bowl under the tap before wiping it clean and putting it on the rack to dry. She was a traditionalist in the sense of never using gloves when washing dishes, preferring to get her hands dirty and never, ever, using the dishwasher which she believed never did a good job. Jungkook didn't like microwaves, she didn't like dishwashers.

"It's either Taehyung or Joonie, Jungkook inhales his food before it's even on his chopsticks," Jin placed the last of the dishes on the counter and threw away the wipe he was using. He grabbed a cloth and began drying the dishes Grace had done, putting them away as he did so.

"It's going to be Joonie, let's be honest. Poor guy was trying not to fall asleep into his bowl," Grace sighed at the state of one of the pans and glared at Jin, showing him the food that had stuck to the base.

"Don't look at me, Yoongi was in charge of that dish."

"Yoongi and his paste," she muttered under her breath while scrubbing the pan to such ferocity that Jin took a step back.

They both were tired, too tired to be washing dishes at midnight but Grace was the one who hated going to bed when there were dirty dishes waiting for her in the morning. She would prefer delaying going to her bed to make sure she didn't have any unexpected dishes unless you were Taehyung who had a case of insomnia and left five glasses in the sink that he had used for his milk.

Jin opened his phone and brought up his playlist, connecting it to the Bluetooth speaker and turned the volume low enough so they both could hear it but they weren't going to disturb anyone else. Classical music filtered out and instantly he saw Grace's shoulders relax.

She handed the last pan to him to dry then washed the sink down with fresh water, clearing any suds away from the sink and her hands. "There, done," she sighed as she wiped her hands on the cloth that Jin handed her while putting the pan away.

"Come here," Jin gently took hold of her hands and pulled her to him, holding her close to his chest which she instantly sunk against.

"What are we doing?"

"Slow dancing," was the reply as Jin rocked the two of them back and forth, slowly moving around the small space of the kitchen.

It was just the two of them, on their own. No children (sorry! boys), no cameras, no crew. It was just Seokjin and Grace, the couple who were hiding away from the world after finally giving in to their feelings back in January 2018.

The two slowly twirled around the kitchen until they were stopped by Grace letting out a large yawn, not managing to hide it in time.

"Come on, let's get you to bed. I believe the boys have more plans to harass you tomorrow," Jin chuckled as he turned his music off and the lights. They left the main house and headed to the room the building they were both going to share. Unfortunately, they couldn't share a bed or a room as cameras had been installed and they had promised to be on their best behaviour, so the building itself with Yoongi as their roommate was going to be the best bet.

Jin pressed his lips to the top of Grace's head, holding her there for a moment. "I promise not to wake you before nine," he said as he pulled away, gave her hand a squeeze then let her go.

"If you see Jungkook heading my way, distract him."

"No promises."

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