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If there was one thing Big Hit was good at, it was backup plans.

The news had arrived at their hotel an hour after the concert had finished and Grace had gone to bed. Weather warnings of heavy snow and wind across Chicago and New York meant there would be travel disruptions but nothing major as of yet. However, as the hour passed, more updates were coming through to say the weather was getting bad and flights had been cancelled.

There was no other way of getting to New York City in the time they needed to so the staff were looking at hiring another private plane, yet flights were banned from leaving or coming to Chicago so that was off the cards. Trains meant it was a 20-hour journey on one train and then there was logistics of it all, with staff, dancers, luggage, bodyguards and security.

The only other option was to hire cars.

And so before 5am, ten black SUVS had been hired to carry their dancers, staff, luggage and Grace from Chicago to New York City. And that's what Grace woke up to at 5 am.

By 5:30 am, she was dressed, packed away and looking over the plans with Sejin who had been on the phone to the team in Korea.

"So it's going to take about 13 hours to drive, but that's without stops so we're going to change drivers around so everyone can get a rest. We have to take the longer route as the other route has major road works on it which could delay us even further. We've delayed the meeting with the Mayor until tomorrow as he already knows the issues and everyone else with schedules has been informed of what's going on. I have no doubt tomorrow will continue as planned. Still, for today, we're not taking any chances," Sejin explained to the small team around him which included the drivers, the bodyguards, Grace's female manager and Grace herself.

"I can drive as well as I've got my international licence," Grace mentioned and she could see everyone look uneasy. "If only to help people take a break because I don't want anyone getting into trouble or feeling unwell because they're trying to get me to New York. If I can help, I will."

Which is how Grace found herself with a set of keys for one SUV to start the leg of the journey out of Chicago and to Toledo, where someone else would take over the next leg of the journey for her. It wasn't too bad, it was a bit big the car but the radio was on and Sejin was next to her. Her female manager, Hana, behind Sejin and a bodyguard next to her. Her luggage had taken over the boot.

The American highways were easy and straight, massive trucks going past on deliveries and if they hadn't been in somewhat of a rush, Grace might have enjoyed the drive a little bit more and enjoyed what scenery she could see.

They pulled into Toledo four hours later and swapped drivers, with Grace now in the back with Hana and Sejin in the front still. It was 11 pm in Seoul and she sent a quick message to the group chat, knowing it wouldn't probably be picked up by any of the boys until later on in the day.

'Snow across Chicago and New York. Just drove for four hours to Ohio and now we're on the way to New York. Wonder if we can stop for burgers somewhere.'

Hobi, surprisingly, was the first one to read it and answer.

'Jin-hyung and I are out having dinner! We're thinking of you and your burgers. Stay safe. Don't drive like a maniac.' Accompanying the message was a GIF of Stray Kids dancing to their song Maniac.

There was nothing more she could do in the car other than catch up on sleep, check the weather, check the time, and talk to Hana about whatever popped into her head and by the time Grace opened her eyes again, she could see the Big Apple looming ahead.

"New York New York, it's a hell of a town," she sang under her breath but Sejin had heard her, causing him to laugh. It had been a long 9 hours from their break in Toledo to a small town outside of Pittsburg where they changed drivers and cars again and then another break in another small town just before they made the last part of the journey.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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