Yoongi & Grace - Let Me Sleep

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"Ya! I said don't! I can see you Jeon Jungkook, don't think I can't!" yelled Jin, having caught the youngest trying to sneak away from the breakfast table. The whole table burst into laughter, watching as Jungkook sat back down with an 'I wasn't doing anything' look on his face. He thought he was sneaky but hadn't counted on the second eldest having eyes in the back of his head.

It had been left to Jin and Yoongi to cook breakfast for everyone after Jin imposed a 'Grace cooking ban' for the next two days. He had left her to go to bed last night when they cleaned up the kitchen after dinner and told the youngest three they weren't to go and bother their Noona, to let her rest for once since all she had done since they got here was run after everyone - especially Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook.

"Does she want to be woken up for breakfast or are we just leaving her to sleep?" Namjoon asked, perfectly content to sit at the table and not interfere with any cooking that was currently happening.

"Leave her to sleep, she's done nothing but care, clean and cook for us. She's our noona, not a maid," Yoongi's deep voice came from where the stove was. They each had been guilty of abusing Grace's motherly nature of doing everything for them as if they were her own children.

After plating up some food for Grace and leaving it in the fridge, Yoongi helped Jin bring all the food to the dining room table. The boys talked quietly, feeling the absence of their noona at the table and it felt odd just having the seven there without Grace bustling around, making sure Jimin ate everything on his plate, making sure Namjoon had plastic chopsticks because she was not buying another pair, that Jungkook and Taehyung didn't distract each other, to make sure Hobi was off his phone, that Yoongi was actually awake and for Jin to help her in the kitchen.

She did a lot for them without them even realising.

With breakfast done and the boys scattered, Yoongi helped Jin and Jimin clean up. They worked quickly and quietly, letting Jimin join the other boys with whatever they were doing.

"Hyung, go and play Mario Kart. I'll finish up in the kitchen and make sure Gigi gets her food," Yoongi said as he took away the cloth from his hyung and gave him a slight push in the direction of the living room.

"You sure?" Jin asked, torn between going to relax and going to wake up his partner.

"I'm sure. You need to distract the golden maknae anyway, especially if he sees me. As you said, she needs her rest."

Jin hesitated for a moment then nodded, letting go of the cloth and heading to the living room. As Yoongi put the dishes away in the cupboard, the telltale 'Mario Kart' came from the TV speakers which Yoongi grinned at.

Perfect timing.

He grabbed Grace's food from the fridge and silently made his way out of the main house, managing to sneak back Namjoon and Hobi at the pool. The youngest boys were over at Jungkook's room, well away from spotting Yoongi slipping into the building he was sharing with Jin and Grace.

Kicking off his shoes and closing the door behind him, Yoongi headed up the stairs towards his sister's room. As quietly as he could, he opened the door just a crack and peeked in to find her still fast asleep, curled on her side with the cover tucked underneath her chin.

Slipping inside and closing the door behind him, he moved as quietly as a cat as he put the bowls on the bedside table, moving to the window to let in some fresh air.

"You're not living up to your cat-ness," a groggy voice came from the bed.

Well, he thought he moved quietly like a cat.

"Sorry," Yoongi chuckled as he pushed the window open further and came to sit at the edge of the bed. "I wanted to make sure you ate something and no one bothered you. Jin caught Jungkook trying to sneak away from breakfast."

"Of course he did," Grace sighed as she rolled onto her back and stretched. She needed another hour or two then she would eat, get a shower and go and deal with the chaos that was her seven boys.

Since he didn't get the chance to spend some quality one to one time with his noona, Yoongi made the quick decision to climb onto the bed and settle in the space on top of the covers. "You need another hour and I need a quick nap because cooking for that lot tired me out."

"You and your ability to sleep anywhere," yawned Grace but she wasn't going to say no to another hour. She rolled onto her side and rested her head on Yoongi's good shoulder, keeping the covers tucked up under her chin.

An hour later, an outraged Jungkook found his second set of parents fast asleep. "Suga-hyung! You're stealing valuable noona time."

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