BTS MOMENTS: Jungkook & Grace - Happy Birthday, Jungkook!

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He knew it was going to be a different type of birthday. Two of his hyungs were in the military, Taehyung was in Japan and he hadn't heard from Yoongi, RM or Jimin (yet). He had been staring at his phone since the alerts had been coming in from ARMY across Weverse and Twitter, including TikTok. The world was celebrating his birthday as his clock ticked over to half-past midnight in Korea yet he felt a bit empty.

Of course, there were plans with his family later on that day and he was sure he would speak to all of his hyungs at some point but it just felt different. He felt a bit more alone than normal this year. It had felt different since they had all left the dorms - there was no military operation to secretly put up birthday banners, fill up the living area with balloons or have his favourite food cooked ready for him to wake up to.

He didn't hear his phone go off with alerts from everyone as he finally went to sleep, earlier than normal even for him. He didn't clear his front door open then close, nor did he hear anyone move around in his living room.

"Jungkook, come on, it's time to wake up."

The young man in question groaned and rolled over, pulling the pillow over his head. "Nooo emomma. It's not time yet."

The pillow was ripped away from his face as well as the covers. The birthday boy sighed and rolled over, expecting to find his mother there but instead, he found Grace watching him with amusement.

"Noona? When did you get here?"

"Ah a magician never reveals their secrets," she grinned as she reached over, taking hold of his hands and pulling. "Come on birthday boy."

Of course he groaned and whined, stumbling out of bed as he was then pushed out of the bedroom and towards his living room. It was dimly lit but the blinds let in enough light to allow Jungkook's tired eyes to adjust.

His living room was covered in balloons - all different sizes and shapes, ranging from black to purple to white and there was a massive arch with his name across the back wall. A pile of presents had been laid out on the dining table and he could smell seaweed soup bubbling away.

"Happy birthday Jungkook," Grace said as she squeezed his shoulders, turning him slightly towards the dining table with the presents. "Hobi and Seokjin sent theirs to me and I think they're going to call you later as well. Jungkook?"

He thought he had gotten past the crying all the time stage and he tried his best to stop but he couldn't stop as he turned, pressing into his noona who said nothing but held him close.

"Can I stay with you noona?" he whispered. "I don't want to leave you alone. I don't want you to leave me alone either."

"I'll always be with you," she chuckled as she gave him a squeeze. "And don't worry, I know you'll always be with me as well. Every time I go on that stage, I know I'll have you with me. Your JK necklace will be on every night. Now come on, you've got presents to open and some soup to eat."

"Thank you noona," Jungkook sighed as he took a seat, his heart feeling lighter than it had in many days as he watched Grace bustle around the kitchen getting him his soup and something to drink, putting the bowl in front of him and then watching expectedly for him to open his presents.

It would be a simple birthday but one he would cherish all the same. 

Happy Birthday, Jungkook!

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