Grace Tour: March 19th 2025 - Seoul

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Gocheok Sky Dome was starting to fill up nicely. Vendors were selling the last of their merch and ARMY were getting their drinks and snacks, making their way to their seats...all 25,000. Of course, there were plenty of celebrities who had turned up for what was going to be the first night of Grace Chu's solo tour.

Members of Seventeen, Tomorrow By Together, XG, Black Pink, IU, CL, Ateez, Twice, Ailee, G-Dragon, Jay Park were just a few names that ARMY were whispering about when they had spotted the idols in the various VIP seats. Not only that, there were entertainers, comedians and politicians who had turned out tonight. It seemed as if half of Seoul's idol world had turned out to see what was going to become of the In My Head Tour.

As the arena was filling up, various BTS music videos with the appropriate song were played over the speakers. With most of the members still in the military, only two members were present and they were backstage enjoying the snacks provided for the main star.

"Did you come for the food or to support me?" Grace asked, laughing in the makeup chair as she watched Seokjin fill up his plate with traditional British food. J-Hope was next to him, doing exactly the same but on a smaller plate. It was a nice distraction from the nerves that were swirling in her stomach as updates came in from Sejin about the arena capacity and who he had spotted in the audience.

"Both!" the two men said as they sat down at the small table provided.

She rolled her eyes and tried not to move again as the make up artist applied the make up, not a lot but enough to do give her the look she was going for. Her newly dyed blonde hair had been styled down into loose waves but pushed away from her face so it wouldn't get in the way of anything.

The dancers, fourteen males and seven women, were in their respective rooms getting ready as well. The noise from them was enough to drown out the noise from the crowd above, singing along to the music being provided.

"Here she is!"

Grace glanced over, seeing Bang PD arrive with Sejin and Hobeom, all with flowers in their hands.

"I didn't know you were coming," she grinned as the make-up artist paused and allowed her to jump off the chair to go hug her favourite men.

"Of course! I've got a box with the two hungry men over there and a few others," her CEO nodded in the direction of the BTS members who were currently resembling their BT21 characters with how stuffed their cheeks were.

"One hour call," the stage manager announced from the door.

"You finish getting ready, boys finish that up and I'll meet you upstairs."

It wasn't hard to ignore the noise that suddenly erupted from the seats as the VCR started playing as Grace crouched on the lift, letting out a deep breath as she held onto her mic tight. Her female dancers were spread onto two other lifts, all looking excited and nervous but ready to go.

The moment 7 Rings began to play, Grace was lifted to the stage.

The roar from the crowd almost drowned out the music in her ears and from the band behind. ARMY had been waiting years for Grace to show off the skills they knew she had for a solo stage and for a solo concert. The hype around this tour had been immense, with international news also picking up on what was expected to be one of the highest grossing tours.

From her view, Grace could see the ARMY bombs light up purple in tandem with the beat of the music and all worries and fears went out the window when she could hear them singing back to her. This was (mostly) a Korean crowd, singing in English, back to her.

The dancers moved easily with her, especially the seven male dancers who moved past the female dancers as they had been practising for over a year. It felt complete to dance with seven dancers, making her feel like she was back with the boys again and each male dancer had been, jokingly, given their BTS equivalent.

The worries about hitting the high notes and making sure she breathed easy felt stupid now. They flowed out with ease and while she was sure it wasn't going to be like this for every tour, it gave her the confidence as the music and lights and VCR slipped into In My Head.

The song choice was met with another roar of approval from the crowd as Grace moved down the stage to the start of the thrust stage where one dancer, given the nickname Jimin was waiting for her and another nicknamed Tae was waiting further down to join them.

By the time they got to the next costume change, Grace was on cloud nine.

Of course, they didn't expect her to bring Butter to the stage.

Nor did they expect her to sing everyone's lines perfectly, stay in the centre of the formation and deliver the song perfectly.

From the VIP section, Seokjin was recording the Butter performance to send to the boys while everyone in their box sang along to the lyrics. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as Hobi narrowed his eyes when the dance break came and remained like that until it was finished and the final verse was being sung.

"Perfect as always," Hobi yelled over the sound of the music, giving a thumbs up to the camera with the big screen in the background as Grace rapped 'ice on my wrist I'm the nice guy.' Seokjin laughed and zoomed in, as the dancers formed their ARMY sign with Grace at the end, throwing a finger heart to the camera.

By the time the concert was over, ARMY had been left on the biggest high. It had been awhile since they could sing and dance along to BTS' songs in a concert environment and Seokjin could hear them as they began to leave once the lights came on and staff were directing them on where to go.

Backstage, Grace found herself covered in the arms of her parents.

"We're so proud," her mother cried as her father patted her head.

"Mum, let me go, I've got to get this makeup off," Grace laughed but hugged her back all the same as she watched her father then shake and hug all the dancers as they headed towards their respective changing rooms.

Everyone was happy, content and more than made up that the first concert had been a success. The noise down the corridor from stage hands, HYBE management, staff, make-up artists and the like was louder than the ARMY's singing as they left.

"Ah who needs BTS when we've got Grace Chu," Hobi laughed as he entered the dressing room, arms wide open which Grace all but bounced into.

"Did I do okay? Are you happy?" she asked her dance captain, who threw his arms around her and spun her around the room.

"Happy? He was crying at one point," Seokjin mentioned as he was followed by Bang PD, IU, CL and even Tomorrow by Together.

By the end of the night and by the time Grace got home, social media had exploded with the news.

Grace Chu had been turned into a solo megastar. 

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