BTS MOMENTS: Hobi & Grace - WINGS Tour

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The moment the guitar rifts started on the opening chords of Dangerous Woman, Hobi could see the staff muttering to themselves about adding effects. This would be the third solo song after Jungkook and Jimin, complimenting Lie and then being the introduction to Fake Love as part of their WING setlist.

It would be the first live performance of the song as well and it had been remade with electric guitar, a bit more bass and a whole other feel to it that ARMY was not expecting. It would be powerful, and dramatic and giving that temptress feel that WINGS was portraying in its storyline and feel.

On the stage, Grace was doing the first run-through of Dangerous Woman with the seven male dancers that had been handpicked for this moment out of the whole team of dancers. The dance was simple yet complicated, sexy yet elegant and every single man on that stage had to compliment Grace on what she was doing.

It was hard but captivating and Hobi could see the staff changing the camera angles to get a closer look at some dance moves. They knew, just as the rest of BTS did, that any reviews that came out about this performance would talk more about her outfit and her moves, rather than her face as it powdered beautifully through the high notes and the whistle note, carefully belting to preserve her voice for Fake Love to come afterwards.

Hobi was proud to say the least.

Coming from a classical background of ballet and ballroom dancing to being trained in hip hop and now in what had been jokingly called the 'Grace sexy dance,' it had been a majored transformation from pre-debut to debut to the Grace now. The dyed hair, the make-up, the clothes which he and Taehyung had a helping hand in - it all was perfected by Grace's voice. He had seen her from the very beginning to now.

Grace caught Hobi's eye as she walked towards the main stage, ready to finish off the rest of the song. He winked and held up his thumbs, nodding as the long guitar rift began to play to give Grace enough time to get in position.

She smiled at him and gave him a wink back then took him by surprise when she belted out 'something 'bout you' at the highest note she could push it through. His jaw dropped, having never really heard her sing that high before or that powerfully and he couldn't help but whip his phone out, quickly opening up the camera app to film this moment.

Later, when the documentary came out and they were talking about Grace's vocals, this unfiltered video would be used then cut to the actual filming of the tour.

"Wow," was all Hobi could say when the rehearsal was finished and they gave 15 minutes for Grace to get some water and take a little break before they would run through Fake Love.

"Wow?" she asked, arching an eyebrow at him.

"I just realised that Grace Chu has the power to break the ceiling."

There was a faint blush on her cheeks which made him giggle and she reached over, gently swatting his hat. "Don't repeat that to anyone else. I don't want them to think I'm after more solo spots."

Note: Happy Birthday, Hobi! I hope you've had an excellent day and we can't wait for our sunshine to come back. I can't wait for Hope on the Street either.

I hope to get over this block sooner rather than later so I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you anon for the request!

Dangerous Woman - BTS 8th MemberWhere stories live. Discover now