Don't Blame Me Part Two - Seokjin & Grace

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Jungkook had unofficially moved in.

Since Seokjin had walked out of their argument over a week ago, Jungkook had walked in and not left. His clothes and shoes had taken residence in the spare room with some of his gym equipment and Bam's bed was put pride of place near the TV in the living room. Whether she wanted him to or not, Jungkook wasn't going to leave his noona alone.

The moment he had received the message from Seokjin about the argument, Jungkook had woken himself up, took a quick shower, asked his brother to mind Bam for the night and made his way over to Grace's apartment. Of course, he had a key as he was the favourite child. And there he had found her, on her bed, in tears.

He knew, somewhat, about the reason for the argument. The rest of the boys had been over the moon when the two eldest announced their relationship to them and the company and had been supportive from day one, they also knew how unforgiving the KPop industry could be to their idols who announced their relationship. The company had advised the two to keep it secret until a time came along when it could be announced appropriately. Of course, they had planned to announce it around Seokjin's military service after the tour but then COVID and everything else happened so delays, delays, delays - in more ways than one.

Jungkook could understand his hyung's frustration at not being allowed to be seen by the public and he could understand the want to protect Grace but she was unselfish. She always put others in front of her when it came to her own projects, thoughts and dreams. Her solo album had been pushed back so many times so they could put BTS' projects and others' solo projects first. She thought of ARMY's views constantly and she knew what people expected of her, what they didn't expect of her, what they needed to see and the like.

It was an impossible situation and one, Jungkook knew, would not be healed quickly.

Jimin and Taehyung had made visits as well, declaring one night to be a sleepover. They pulled Grace's mattress into the living room and brought over a load of snacks, putting their noona in the middle of them and holding onto her while they slept.

Yoongi had also made a visit. He had taken one look at Grace and muttered under his breath and then left.

Namjoon and Hobi hadn't made an appearance yet but there had been constant update checks with Jungkook on the situation and they had been keeping an eye on Seokin as well.

They all knew there was no blame on either parties but they were just as stubborn.

Grace was fast asleep next to Jungkook who was updating the group chat of schedules as they had their Permission to Dance Seoul concert in two months. Surprisingly, Bang-PD gave the group a week off - he was protective of Grace like the rest of them and the news she had emotionally broken down had shaken him like the others.

Jungkook glanced over as Grace turned over and he reached over, tucking the sheets around her. She had done nothing other than quietly cry, sleep, shower then repeat. It was odd to be the one looking after her when she had done nothing but look after him since he first arrived at the dorm.

His cheek pressed against her shoulder blade, listening to her breathe as his eyes turned to the group chat. There was nothing from Seokjin though he had made his schedules according to their manager and he was keeping busy. There was a rumour going around that a yelling match between Seokjin & Yoongi had happened only yesterday but no one had confirmed it.

Speaking of Yoongi.

The door to the bedroom opened and Yoongi poked his head around, glancing at the maknae snuggled up against his noona and Bam taking up the space at the end of the bed.

"Has she woken up yet?"

Jungkook looked up then towards his mother, shaking his head as he pushed himself up to prop his back against the wall. "Not yet. I think she was awake for most of the night though, I could hear her moving around in the kitchen but she's fast asleep now."

Yoongi hummed and leaned against the door, slight concern littering his face. "She needs to eat something, she's got rehearsals starting on Monday, we all do. I don't know what Jin-hyung is going to do but I hope they sort this out before then."

It was hard to suppress the snort but Jungkook managed to do it, folding his arms across his chest. "He needs to pull his head out of his backside first."

As much as Yoongi wanted to reprimand the youngest, he wasn't entirely wrong.

"Try to wake her up in a bit if you can. I've got some food out there."

Jungkook nodded and Yoongi left them to it, closing the door behind him.

"Noona, how do I make this better?" Jungkookie muttered against her hair where he rested his head on top of hers. It broke him to see her like this as she was always the strongest and the one who protected the rest but maybe that was the problem. Maybe she had taken all their worries and problems on and never allowed them to feel the burden until her own became too much.

Bam's ears perked up at the sound of loud voices coming from the kitchen and Jungkook perked up, frowning as he slid off the bed to see what was going on.

If it had been any other situation other than the one they were in, Jungkook would have collapsed onto the floor in giggles at the sight of short Yoongi squaring up to his hyung, almost standing on tiptoes to go nose to nose.

"Hyungs! Hyungs! You need to be quiet otherwise you'll wake her up," Jungkook ran over and made a shushing motion with his hand.

"Give me an hour with her Yoongi-ah. I need to speak to her."

"Last time you did that you walked out and left us to clear up the pieces because you were thinking of yourself and not her. She needs someone who is going to be her backbone and support system, to be her light. And the only person who has done that right now is Jungkook," Yoongi pointed at the youngest who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Seokjin sighed and ran a hand through dishevelled hair.

"I know. I know I'm an idiot. I realised that the moment I left. And I've thought on that every day so let me speak to her."

Yoongi remained steadfast but after a gentle tug on his arm by Jungkook, he somewhat relented. "You've got an hour. Jungkook and I will leave you to it but we'll be back in an hour. Bam stays."

Jin rolled his eyes and ignored his dongsaengs, moving automatically to Grace's bedroom. Bam had now moved to Grace's left side, leaving her right free so Jin kicked off his shoes and laid down by her side.

"I'm sorry," he quietly said. His crooked fingers brushed her hair away from her face. "I'm sorry for what I did and said and what I didn't say. I've realised that this whole relationship is more than us - it's Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung and ARMY. It's BigHit and your parents and my parents. It's everyone yet no one."

Grace said nothing, still asleep but she did roll over so she was facing Jin.

"I've decided that I want to go to the military as soon as possible so we don't have to hide anymore but I want you to make the decision about what we announce and what we don't announce. We shouldn't have to hide but we should protect who we are as well. I'll follow your decision."

He should have known she was being too quiet and he got the fright of his life when he glanced up to see a pair of eyes looking back at him.

There was a small smile on Grace's lips at his reaction and he blew out a breath, pressing a hand to his chest.

"Warn a man next time."

"I think you're right as well," Grace whispered, her voice croaky from the lack of use and from the amount of crying she had done. "I don't want to hide but I want to protect us and everyone. I'm sure ARMY would be accepting but right now, we need to be careful. If you want to do it when you go to the military then that's what we'll do."

"BigHit's power couple?" Jin questioned, holding up his fist.

Grace chuckled at the nickname their managers had given them in the early days. "BigHit's power couple," Grace confirmed by pressing her fist to his.

They were found an hour later by Yoongi and Jungkook, fast asleep and holding onto each other. "Guess that means I'm getting kicked out," Jungkook muttered as he and Yoongi packed up the food.

However, he stayed for another week, enjoying having his parents back together. 

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