The Queen's Guard - Grace & Staff

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The Queen's Guard, affectionately given to the team behind Grace's solo career, was a force of nature the likes the industry had never seen before. Even IU didn't have this type of team behind her. From Bang Shi-hyuk, PDogg, a team of choreographers, and stylists, Sejin, a team of bodyguards and a whole of team dancers - they were a force that seemed to be unstoppable.

As one ARMY quoted when they saw Sejin, BTS' manager for many years, back in the fold and leading the way in front of Grace at Incheon airport with a team of bodyguards around the two then what seemed to be another four managers including a woman - "It looked like the queen had arrived with her army. Like everyone parted way for the arrival of the queen and her team wasn't going to stop anyone from getting in the way."

Bang Shi-Hyuk

It was hard to get time to see Bang PD when his time was directed overseas or in meetings, dealing with HYBE and other business arrangements. However, when it came to his only female idol, he cleared his schedule for the whole week and flew back to Seoul immediately. The news about BTS's 'hiatus,' as the media was calling it, had been announced only a few days later and already he had phone calls from shareholders about the dip in value their stocks had taken.

However, he had no plans to deal with that. He had bigger fish to fry.

He scheduled a meeting for her the day after he flew in and what walked through the door wasn't the Grace he had met all those years ago. This was a scared young woman who didn't know what was coming, who didn't know what the next three years were going to bring her. He patted her on the arm and showed her to his desk, taking the seat next to her instead of the 'big boss' chair.

"What do you want to do Hea?" he asked, referring to her Korean name.

"I don't know. I want to do things differently compared to the boys and I don't want anything I want to do to interfere with what they want to do. I'd rather wait till they all go to the military or all the days are announced so the boys can enjoy their solo careers."

Ever thinking about her boys instead of herself.

"We can do that. We can assemble a team who you're familiar with to start planning and guiding and I'll be there every step of the way," he promised and reached over to take her hand, giving it a squeeze.

They stayed silent for a moment. It had been thirteen years since they had first met when she was nineteen years old, straight out of education and looking for a job as a dancer but was hired for her vocals for background use and then as an assistant. Now look at her, one of the biggest bands the world has ever seen.

"Okay, I'm ready."


Her first mixtape, Dangerous Woman, had been an absolute success thanks to the combined efforts of PDogg, Hitman Bang, Yoongi and Namjoon. Two of those people were now facing a career in the military and so now it was down to Hitman Bang and PDogg.

A meeting with what had become the Queen's Guard, consisting of Hitman Bang, PDogg, other producers at BigHit, Sejin and a few others as well as Grace had taken place a week after Seokjin's military announcement. A whole day had been dedicated to what Grace wanted her next mixtape to be but she soon surprised them all.

"The boys are doing albums, apart from Seokjin, so I want to do the same. But I want CD one to be the Dangerous Woman mixtape and CD two to be the new songs. All in English. And I want to do a tour with the album, and if it's not enough, maybe release another mixtape with other songs to fill in the gap."

Evidently, Hitman Bang hadn't been expecting that as he sat there at the top of the table and stared at her with his jaw dropped.

"All in English? No Korean?" PDogg asked, making a couple of notes on his pad.

"All in English. I can do remixes of the songs in Korean for maybe a B-Side but I want this to focus on English. This album is all about me and my thoughts and my feelings and everything I see so it has to be English."

"If you say you've got lyrics already, there are no promises I won't kiss you Hea," PDogg warned.

Grace simply grinned and lifted up a notebook, the same one she got from Jungkook for Mother's Day, filled to the brim with lyrics. "Better bring those kisses."

"Well, look's like you're going to be busy," Sejin laughed at the sight of PDogg pressing many kisses to the top of Grace's head before stealing the notebook.


When Sejin got the phone call from Hitman Bang, he was completely taken aback. He had been promoted to the artist protocol department and a manager for ENHYPEN. He had been with BTS from the very beginning and missed them very much, though he saw them every now and then. He never expected to be getting a call about them, especially from the boss.

"Grace is coming."

Those three words were all that were given to him.

And he was immediately at HYBE.

"Grace is going ahead with her solo career and I believe she needs a manager who can focus solely on her and her needs. And given your history with her and the history with the boys, I think you're the best one for the job. Plus she misses you."

The reunion had been a long time coming and he first saw her again at a meeting with lawyers and executives. She didn't care for decorum the moment she saw her favourite manager standing at the door, apologising for interrupting.

"Sejin-oppa," she gasped and quickly ran over to him to give him a big hug.

"Are you coming back?" she quietly asked him and the squeeze she got in return was everything she needed.

The Queen's Guard had their general back.

Other Staff

New stylists and make-up artists were brought on board for the sole focus on Grace. There were many meetings as the music was being produced as to what themes and colours Grace wanted to pick from, what costumes and clothes, and what would be more suited for her body rather than adapting the boy's costume to fit her.

When the contract for Alexander McQueen, Balmain and Louboutin had all been signed, her stylists threw a sleepover party at HYBE so they could go through all the choices of clothing and shoes the designers had sent Grace.

Her bodyguards were also from the same team that had been around the boys since day one. She had been signed one in particular, ARMY would later recognise him from Yoongi's concerts as the one that was fancam'd the most. All bodyguards were older than her so there would be no rumours.

Choreographers were spearheaded by the usual team with the added addition of Sienna from In the Labs and Brian Puspos. They were instrumental in creating new choreography for her singles, reflecting more her style to suit her dancing history and body.

Moments with the staff

- The airport had a bigger turnout than usual ever since it was announced that Grace would be departing to start her solo career by attending a fashion show in London, with her being the main 'face' of it. The amount of fans present was slightly alarming and even local police had been called in to control the public as well as the press. 

- The sight army of bodyguards hanging around the car was soon pointed out by local press who could be heard saying that this wasn't normal for idols. 

- The moment Sejin appeared, ARMY screamed his name causing him to turn and look, giving them a slight bow. Another manager got out of the car, an older lady this time, and she stood in front of the open door to speak to the bodyguards for a moment. The moment she stepped aside to let Grace out, the noise volume increased. 

- Sejin went to the front with one main bodyguard, the rest surrounding Grace and the lady who kept an arm wrapped around Grace's waist, giving her a slight squeeze. But Grace bowed to everyone she saw, stopping briefly for photos before leaving towards the private lounge. 

- She had gone live while in London as they were prepping for the fashion show and ARMY went nuts when they saw Sejin come in with a mug of hot chocolate, a blanket and a hot water bottle. "That time of the month," Grace had said with a sigh as she was tucked in. 

-BANGTAN BOMBS showing Grace in tall heels, being guided by Sejin or her female manager, with her styling and make up team following her. All hands out ready to help her if needed.

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