GRACE TOUR Diary - March 17th 2025, Seoul

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It was two days before her tour officially started.

Grace wasn't going to shy away from the fact that her stomach was in knots and she was getting very little sleep due to nerves. Her mind was in constant turmoil over things that may go wrong, something may happen, this thing might happen, this costume may not fit. Her team had planned for everything and anything including weather, backup costumes, backup shoes, and even a back up team.

Nothing could go wrong yet her brain was thinking otherwise.

Her days started early, around 6am, with a couple of meetings with her team (affectionately known as the Queen's Guard), then it was vocal rehearsals then dance practice and depending on the day, a couple of hours in the gym to get her stamina up while singing.

She hadn't performed on her own before, especially for a two hour concert. There was no opening act, no other acts on as support - it would just be her, the band and the dancers.

To keep the crowd entertained.

A crowd that probably had come to see her fail.

That was one of her worries - it wasn't that ARMY wasn't going to turn up, it was all the haters as well. And not only that, she had seen the list of celebrities who had secured their VIP tickets early. That made her nervous.

And all the dates had sold out fast to the point where extra dates had to be added and the two last dates in Seoul had sold out within minutes, including the VIP tickets for idols, celebrities, politicians.

It would be her peers carefully watching - wondering if she could perform on her own, if she could handle the weight, if she could handle her own songs, choreography, high notes and costumes. She'd be fine once the first song was done because after that, who gave a shit.

But for now, it was the constant thoughts that were keeping her up all hours of the night.

Seokjin & Hobi were home from the military now and they had been constant support, checking in and being there for whatever meeting or practice was taking place while dealing with their own schedules and plans. The others had been checking in as well through phone calls and texts, keeping an eye on the progress.

Her eyes stared at the night sky from where her curtains were open and if she listened carefully, she could hear some of the population of Seoul still going even at three in the morning. She had gotten about four hours of sleep and she had to be up in an hour to get showered and ready to head over to HYBE for a final day of rehearsals.

The weight of her cat next to her pressed into her side and she reached over, running a hand down the soft white fur. At least one of them was getting his beauty sleep. Seeing as there was no point, Grace carefully got out of bed and padded over to the bathroom. There were bags starting to form under her eyes, so that meant the makeup team were going to complain, but the hot shower helped relax her muscles. Her newly dyed hair had stayed its amazing shade of blonde and she kept forgetting about it until it caught her eye in the mirror. That had been Seokjin's suggestion - new hair colour for a new era.

She had a small breakfast and filled up Min-Ji's food and water bowls, taking her small cup of tea to the living room where she plonked herself on the couch. The news played in the background as she pulled her phone off charge, seeing if there were any updates from anyone but the messages remained silent.

"With two days to go, fans are already queuing for merchandise and to experience what HYBE has put on in terms of a festival around the Gocheok Sky Dome. BTS' Grace Chu will start her first solo tour here before heading over to Los Angeles and the rest of the world. The In My Head Tour has already sold out across the globe and no tickets are available, anywhere. However, HYBE has offered live streaming of the last two Seoul dates for those who have missed out on what is expected to be the tour of the year," the newscaster said on the TV, catching Grace's attention.

The program showed the tents already lining up and some of the things HYBE had planned, including reruns of RUN BTS episodes, focus solely on Grace and even her BT21 character was around. Fans had the opportunity to take pictures with various cardboard cutouts of her and it warmed her to see how many ARMY bombs were already lit.

"We can't wait," one foreign ARMY said once the camera was on her. "I've been in Seoul for about three years now and the moment I heard she was planning a tour, I knew I had to buy tickets. She's my bias and she really inspires me as a woman and as an artist. She's different from other idols as well - she doesn't let her career define her or her character and she doesn't care if she goes against the standards this country sets her in. She's really an icon of this age."

Another ARMY appeared, this time a male fan who had one of her t-shirts on. "There are many comments online about how she contrasts against the likes of IU, Blackpink, and she can't compare really. She's humble, quiet, unassuming yet insanely talented. I've watched so many fancams and videos from fans of other artists and in every one of them she's consistent. So I'm really looking forward to what she's going to bring for her solo tour."

The program returned to the newscaster who showed figures of what income this tour was going to bring to HYBE, Big Hit, the tourism economy and the government. And what the stakeholders' shares were climbing to. All in all, it was going to be a commercial success.

Whether it was going to get the ratings like Yoongi's and Blackpinks tour, as they were the two being used in comparison the most, that would remain to be seen.

Grace swallowed the last of her tea and stood, stretching out her legs and back. "Well, let's get this tour on the road then." 

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