BTS MOMENTS: Taehyung & Grace - Gucci Gang

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It was well known that Taehyung was a Gucci boy. He loved the brand even from early debut days and that love had only grown as money flowed into his bank account, allowing him to indulge (a little) on clothes for his brothers and sister. And with Grace's birthday coming up in a month, Taehyung had kidnapped her for the day to take his favourite sister shopping.

He, as well as J-Hope, were known throughout Big Hit as Grace's stylists. Whether for private events or public events or even performances, her choice of clothes were usually run by the two to make sure they were deemed suitable. Taehyung had early on made a suggestion that Grace should be seen as a woman rather than a cutesy idol with pigtails and covered in pink. She had a woman's body, even if she was short, and hiding it behind clothes not suited for her just rubbed Taehyung the wrong way.

So here he was, in Gucci's flagship store in the Gangnam area of Seoul, with private guards out the front and the store entirely for him to play dress up. With Grace not being much of a willing partner. She hated clothes shopping with a passion - hated the waiting, the 'try this on' and then checking to make sure everything was right. She always knew what she wanted when she got into a shop.

Thankfully Tae was prepared and had her set up in the seating area, a large cup of tea on hand with their manager while he did and went to do all the hard work. He wanted to buy her some dresses as he knew she had a couple of events coming up and he wanted to buy her a few bits for everyday wear, even if some of the pieces were ranging in $1600 and upwards.

The changing room was filled with clothes and the selections that Grace had agreed on so far was a pleated denim skirt, denim jacket, a GG jacquard cardigan, and a green cotton GG sweatshirt.

She stepped out in a mini black dress and a pair of Gucci heels, did a twirl on Tae's behalf and stood there for him to have a look at.

"Hmm, you do need just a simple black dress," Tae mused as he leaned back against the couch to cross one leg over the other and take a sip of water as the manager glanced up, took a good look at her then returned back to his phone.

"Simple? This looks more like a dominatrix dress," Grace laughed as she tugged at the double straps made out of leather.

"Well, you can wear it for Seokjin-hyung then," Tae shrugged and ignored the warning grunt from the manager.

"I don't think he could work out the zip."

For proof, Grace turned around to show the zip that was hidden by material and it look complicated as it went only so far down so she would have to be peeled out of it.

"Perfect then, we'll have that!"

Grace sighed and went back to the changing room, handing the dress to the assistant who hung it up on the hanger and placed it with the rack of picked clothes.


Tae giggled to himself as he knew exactly what was coming up, holding up his phone ready to take a video. He couldn't wait to send this to everyone. 

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