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ARMY were surprised when they received the notification from Weverse that Jin was going live, only his third since he got back from the military. He had gone live for BTS' anniversary as promised and he had gone live a couple of months after that, in the studio at Hybe, to tease upcoming projects.

However, this live was a bit different. He looked as if he was in a hotel room from the decor behind him which was your typical beige, dark wood furniture and pictures that meant nothing to anyone. Eagle-eyed ARMYs would later pinpoint the actual location but not for months after.

"Suprise!" Jin all but yelled, shifting the camera so it was further backwards so it showed the food he had ordered. "My first Eat Jin since who knows when and my first since I got back from the military. How is ARMY doing?"


'Jin! Have you spoken to Grace recently? She's killing it on the stage!'

'Have you spoken to the other boys? Are they doing okay?'

"I'm keeping tabs on everyone - everyone is doing okay, doing very well. We can't wait to be all back together soon and we have quite a few things planned but nothing is confirmed yet so," Jin paused and tapped his nose. "Keep being nosy and something will be revealed soon."

His eyes drifted to the side slightly then back again, chuckling.

"I have to come clean about something. I'm here under false pretences, sort of."

Of course, ARMY flooded the chat with questions about what he was talking about and who he was talking about but they soon stopped when Grace plopped down next to Jin, her hair wrapped up in a towel as she had just been in the shower.

"Hi ARMY!"

Not unexpectedly, the chat went off and even the live went down but it was back up again within seconds.

"Ah, you broke the system," Jin pointed out as he cut into his steak.

"Well, you didn't exactly warn them I was here."

"And spoil the surprise? I don't think so."

Grace accepted the cut piece of steak and chew silently, watching as the comments rolled in. It ranged from #couplegoals to adopt us to everything. Of course, the R-rated version of their get together story got mentioned but quickly ignored.

"Am I ready for my next concert?" Grace repeated the question as she popped a french fry into her mouth. "I am! Everything is going well and so far, touch wood, we've had no issues. The dancers are amazing and a lively bunch so we've got more children to look after now," she directed the last part to Jin who glanced at her from where he was slurping up noodles and groaned.

"Really? You need to stop adopting children. We've got six of our own already."

"Are we still including Yoongi in that?"

Jin paused and set his bowl down. "Maybe not. Hobi and onwards then. Or at least the maknae line, Jungkook the most. And probably TXT as well."

Grace grinned and pointed at Jin, glancing towards the camera as if to say 'see what I mean.'

They talked about Grace's concerts, things in general, bickered like an old married couple but it warmed ARMY to know they were in good hands until 2025.

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