BTS Moments: Jimin & Grace - Sunday Roast

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The group's diet had been under heavy pressure during their comeback with WINGS with Jimin, Jungkook and Jin suffering the most. Grace had already seen the effects of what the diet was doing to Jimin, having witnessed the young man pass out in front of her. After realising what he had been doing to himself, admitting he had only eaten one meal in ten days, Grace vowed they were going to have one cheat day each month (though it would turn into every Sunday).

If there was one thing that brought her comfort, it was her mother's Sunday roast: a traditional British meal consisting of meat, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, plenty of veg, Yorkshire puddings, a shit ton of gravy and plenty of other extras to add. After speaking to her mother and getting the instructions from her, Grace had asked the staff to go grocery shopping for her on Friday and by Saturday night she had been prepping everything.

She knew the boys needed some kind of comfort and if there was one thing she could do, that was to bring a bit of her home to them. They had Sunday off so Grace left them to sleep, waking up early enough to finish prepping her vegetables and then to throw the pork joint into the oven. While the boys slept the morning away and the meat was cooking, she laid out the dinner table like her mother would do and then turned her attention to dessert: an apple pie she had asked her mother to make, to save time. Some cheating but hey, there was only so much she could do before everyone would wake up.

The meat was cooked, there was plenty of crackling on the pork and so she sliced it ready and placed it in the fridge for later. All she needed to do was to cook her vegetables, her roast potatoes, and then Yorkshire puddings and she had to figure out what to give Seokjin instead of potatoes.

Finally, the boys woke up and plodded around the dorm, not taking notice of the laid table yet and plonked themselves in front of the TV. At dinner time, Grace kicked Seokjin out of the kitchen and told him in no other terms to bother her.

"Wow, hyung, what did you do this time?" Jungkook asked, tearing his eyes away from the game Taehyung and Hobi were playing. "Nothing! She's not letting me cook dinner," Seokjin defended, sitting back down in the armchair with a pout.

"BOYS!! DINNER," she yelled after what felt like an hour and what sounded like a herd of elephants made their way to the table, gasps of awe at the layout of the table and then the spread in front of them. Five different types of vegetables, different potatoes, a whole plate of meat, a big jug of gravy, sauces, Yorkshire puddings and more were laid out in the middle.

"Now," Grace explained as she the wary looks from the three who were dieting. "We're having a cheat day. No diet is stopping you from tasting what I call a British roast dinner." She pointed out the various items and then turned to look at Jimin with a beady eye. "You, take what you want and eat as much as you can. I'm not going to push if you can't eat everything but try a bit."

Grace made sure she sat next to Jimin and smiled happily as everyone dug in. She plated two pieces of pork on Jimin's plate with some gravy and left him to it, making sure she kept one eye on him without making him awkward or under pressure.

What felt like an age, Jimin finally nibbled on the meat then ate the two slices so she added a spoonful of veg and potato, added a slice of meat and some gravy and did the same. Every single thing he ate and kept going back for seconds, thirds and more.

Namjoon gave Grace a small wink which she returned. If that's how Jimin was going to eat, then that's how she was going to do it from now on. However, she didn't expect the tug on her sleeve when she went to clear everyone's plates and for Jimin to bring her closer.

"Noona, can we have a roast every month please?"

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