BTS MOMENTS: Yoongi & Grace feat. Namjoon, Seokjin & Hobi - DDay Concert

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It was surprisingly easy to sneak into the row of chairs that had been left by the staff who had designated certain chairs for VIP guests. And it was even easier for ARMY not to spot them until Grace spotted a few cameras turning in their direction. She said nothing, however, wanting to let Seokjin and Hobi enjoy Yoongi's concert properly for the first time.

It had been great news when she got the notification saying Seokjin and Hobi had been given the day off. It had been even greater news when Namjoon had messaged the group chat to say he was coming home and he'd be the last guest for Yoongi's last tour. Dinner plans with them all and the maknae line were soon arranged for after the concert.

She had seen it all before but to feel Seoul's energy and for Yoongi to be on home territory just added to the atmosphere. Having an ARMY Bomb in hand and moving in junction with the rest of the crowd added to the night, rapping along with the lyrics that were all too familiar. Having her boyfriend and brother next to her was even better.

Grace hid a laugh behind her hand as she ducked out of the way of the camera and the spotlight that suddenly appeared on Hobi as he showed his heart fingers to the crowd and Seokjin popped into view, saluting with Hobi following. Of course, Yoongi didn't miss the chance to mention his sister.

"And to my Gigi, thank you for all the support during the tour."

With a sigh, Grace popped back into view of the camera next to Jin to make a heart over her head. The crowd roared it's approval as Seokjin laughed next to her, reaching over to poke a finger against her cheek.

"Leave me alone," she laughed as she batted his hand away.

There were so many other moments during the night - Yoongi's loud SHIBAL which had the three of them almost collapsing in their chairs, Yoongi nearly falling off his platform which caused Grace to nearly jump out of her chair but for the two men to fall about laughing. Then Namjoon's appearance to sing Strange and his new song that remained untitled.

The feeling in Grace's chest as she leaned against Seokjin's side, his arm around her shoulder with Hobi next to him and Namjoon as well - it felt like everything was alright in the world. It felt like they were all home and safe.

An ARMY happened to capture the moment perfectly: "BTS came home for their boy."

It framed perfectly what they were all feeling as they watched Yoongi pour his heart out, Grace leaving Seokjin's side for a moment to go behind stage ready to jump on in case Yoongi needed someone to take over but he battled through it all, proving to himself and the world what a strong person he was.

When they all joined him backstage, Grace was the first one to hug him. "I'm proud of you. Very proud."

"Don't hog him all for yourself," Hobi laughed then encased the two in his arms with Seokjin and Namjoon following.

They were home. Finally.

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