BTS MOMENTS: OT8 - And the award goes to

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It was always the same, every single time.

There was never any discussion beforehand about who was going to do the speech since it was always Namjoon who stepped forward and then anyone else who felt brave but that was exactly the problem. No one felt brave other than Grace who mostly took over when it came to America.

However, it was getting a bit tiring between Namjoon and Grace always going to the front to accept the award, bow, and then give a few words, glance behind to see if anyone else wanted to say anything and off they went.

God knows how many times they watched Jungkook panic step back and hide behind whoever was willing to put up with him or disappear completely and go to the bathroom when it just happened to be his turn.

However, Namjoon and Grace had come up with a plan without speaking to anyone. They would not be the first to stand up, they would slowly wander up behind the others and they would keep back when it came time to thank ARMY.

Jin had caught onto it first as had Yoongi and then Hobi, having done the first two speeches of the night. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung had been completely oblivious as they messed around in the background, content to let the elder ones do their job.

However, they came unstuck when the hyung line and their noona stepped back and waved the space in front of the microphones for them. It was hard for Grace to keep a straight face when she saw the absolute panic on Jungkook's face when he realised he would have to public speak for the first time.

Jimin, being the brave one, went first.

"Noona," Taehyung whispered. "I want to thank ARMY in English. What should I say?"

She paused, having not expected that but then again Taehyung was completely unpredictable and his rare speeches always left everyone taken aback.

"Thank you for being our light," she told him quietly but loud enough for him to hear and he repeated himself all the way up to the microphone when he opened his mouth and spoke Korean.

On the monitor, it showed them time was up and she had never seen Jungkook deflate in relief so quickly as they wandered off stage. That got him several shoves in the shoulder and a kick up the bum from Grace.

"What are you going to do when you win something on your own and we're not there?" she asked, giving him a slight slap to the neck.

"I would have learnt English from you then," he said as he ran away, content to hide behind a smirking Namjoon, who was getting a telling off from Jimin for not preparing them.

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