BTS MOMENTS: Yoongi & Grace - Long hair is a menace

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The team was back together again for rehearsals for their concert in Busan and the staff had decided they were going to film the dance practice for RUN BTS which wasn't going to be a problem for anyone, apart from Yoongi.

All of them had grown their hair out but some had recently had their hair cut, leaving a fluffy mess in place. Yoongi, on the other hand, was leaving it until he needed to but trying to push your hair back so often when you've got complicated dance moves was leaving him very frustrated.

He watched as Grace grabbed a bobble and pulled her hair into a tight but messy bun that would keep all her hair out of the way without the risk of anything escaping. If there was anyone who was a pro when it came to hair during a performance, it was her. Either in a ponytail or smoothed away from her face using hairspray or clips or using the dance move to flick her hair out of the way - Grace knew how to pull it off.

He needed his hair out of his face so he could at least see what he was doing.

She was taking a water break before the dance practice, dressing in her usual leggings and crop top with her hair in its usual style. Without thinking about it much, Yoongi meandered over and plopped right in front in front of her, leaning against her legs.

"Hello to you too," she laughed but her eyes caught the bobble Yoongi was holding up. "Ah, need your hair doing then? This is what you get when you don't cut it."

He grumbled something she couldn't quite hear but ever the willing sister, she got him comfortable and brushed her fingers through his hair to pull out any knots. She could see his face wince slightly in the mirror but she paid no mind, continuing to do what she was doing.

"Okay, let's see what we can do here," she muttered and drew the top part of his hair and some of it at the sides to create a small ponytail. She couldn't pull the whole lot of hair into a ponytail, so a half up/half down style was going to have to do.

He grumbled about the time it was taking and that he could have done it himself quicker but a nudge to the back from a knee soon made him shut up. Secretly he was more than happy to have Grace comb through his hair and pull his hair into whatever styles she wanted. He sort of understood why girls did this at sleepovers.

"There, all sorted," Grace patted his shoulders and leaned back so he could get up but he stayed there, continuing to lean against her legs.

Reaching back, Yoongi found one of Grace's hands and pulled it back to his hair. "You are such a cat," she grinned as she ran her hands through the hair that she hadn't pulled back, tugging slightly.

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