BTS & Grace - Cuddles

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It had been a very long day. Dance practice, interviews, meetings for comebacks, endless hours in front of mirrors for hair and makeup. It didn't help that it was near monsoon season and it was pouring with rain, leaving it cold and damp and everyone was feeling generally miserable. They had made it home around 9pm, having stopped off somewhere to eat and dragged their tired bodies home.

The moment the front door closed behind Seokjin, everyone had disappeared into their respective rooms or bathrooms. Not that he blamed them, he very much wanted a hot shower and his pyjamas and maybe an hour or two on the switch before he went to sleep.

However, there were things that needed to be done before that. Dishes from the past two days were covering the kitchen counters and washing needed to be put in the washer then dryer and he also needed to double check the groceries because he was sure they were running out.

With all this running through his mind, it surprised him to find Grace already dealing with the mountain of dishes. "I'm happy doing this if you want to do the washing and then I can have a look at our groceries."

It was almost as if she read his mind.

With a grin and a nod, Seokjin grabbed all the laundry he could find and shoved it into the washer, putting it on. And with a shower free, he jumped in and changed into his pyjamas. By the time he was finished with all that, Grace had already cleaned the kitchen, done a shopping list and got into her own pyjamas and was in front of the TV in the living room.

"At least we have tomorrow off," Seokjin groaned as he sat down next to her on the couch, pulling the blanket over the two of them as Grace settled into his side with her cheek on his chest.

"And we start all over again," she mused, finding some random TV program to put on for the two of them while Seokjin wrapped his arms around her, pulling the blanket closer.

"Tomorrow's a new day and we start all over again."


They were called two cats in a pod for a reason and it wasn't just that they had similar personalities or characteristics, it was in the way they were patient but impatient at the same time. They didn't mind the waiting but they hated waiting for the wrong reasons. Another KPop group goes on before them because of someone's error, they're pissed because it means more waiting. Of course, it's never said but you can see it bubbling.

Today was one of those days.

Rehearsals had been delayed because of some error or because of someone not doing their job properly. The others utilised their time with their phones or with the staff, doing some interviews here and there or even sleeping.

For Yoongi and Grace, they were wide awake with very little to do. They played a game on their phones which they had connected together but they soon got bored of that. Even trying to read one of Namjoon's books had done nothing but make them more bored.

Grace sighed, adjusting in her chair to cross one leg over the other so she could reach down and rub at her ankles. It was a new heel day and these were killer. However, she assumed (wrongly) that she could wear the heels, die then the day would be over. Not wear the heels, die all day because the dance wouldn't be happening for another few hours and then crawl to the van.

Out of the corner of his eye, Yoongi watched Grace with her heels. He wasn't one for physical affection, even with his sister but he wasn't exactly going to let her suffer either. Without saying a word, he reached down and pulled her feet up so they draped across his lap. He didn't say much further as he pulled the high heels off so he lightly massaged the pain away.

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