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Seokjin could see the tree from the bedroom window, the leaves slowly changing from green to a slight orange. Autumn was beginning to arrive in South Korea. It was getting to where the stifling summer heat was dwindling to that cool weather where you could go and put a light jacket on without sweating or needing a scarf like you would do in the Korean winter.

The big festival of Chuseok would be arriving in a month and just two weeks after that would be the biggest date in the Kim/Chu calendar. Finally, finally, after many days, months and years, Seokjin and Grace would tie the knot in front of their daughter, their family, their friends and the rest. The wedding of the century as it had been dubbed by Dispatch had been in full plan since last year and every little detail had been checked, double-checked and triple-checked.

The checklist had been endless and trying to plan a wedding around your career as well as a young daughter had been almost a logistical nightmare but soon the day would be here and the leaves would change from orange to red. Seokjin grinned to himself as he heard the thump of his daughter playing next door, Grace laughing as she watched and the unmistakable noise of six other men getting in on the playdate.

If autumn was going to mean anything to the couple, it would be the celebration of their little family coming together as one (even with four adopted sons and a large extended family), the Chu & Kim household now becoming the Kim household and the next BTS comeback around the corner after the couple returned from their honeymoon.

Seokjin carefully put the wedding rings away in the box that had all the important wedding documentation and closed the lid, glancing up in time to see one leaf fall from the middle of the tree. Autumn was on its way and he could hardly wait.


"I hate snow," Yoongi grumbled for the seventh time.

"You say that every winter and yet it didn't stop you from joining the maknae line in the snow fight last year," Grace pointed out as she pulled her scarf tighter around her.

They had decided, stupidly, that they needed to do a snack supply. The weather had been predicted by the forecasters on the TV to be very bad for the next couple of days and it was recommended that people grab what necessary groceries they needed and stay home. Seokjin, Namjoon and Hobi had done the big shop while the maknae line had stayed behind to clean up the dorm (or so they said) and Grace & Yoongi had volunteered to go and get the snacks at the 24/7 convenience store at the bottom of the road.

However, the snow started falling the moment they got to the bottom of the stairs and Yoongi, in his usual grumpiness, had declared he hated winter. He hated the cold, he hated being wet, he hated snow, he hated being cold...the usual.

"I don't mind it, especially if we're inside. Just think, we can make hot chocolate, turn the heating up full, watch stupid TV programmes where we can ridicule them, eat a stupid amount of food and we can grab you two bags of tangerines," Grace added as she slipped her hands into the pockets of Jungkook's coat.

She couldn't even see Yoongi as he had bundled up in a puffer coat, threw on a beanie, his mask, two scarves and a long coat on top of all that. He almost waddled as he walked with how thick he looked.

"We best get tangerines otherwise this is a wasted trip," he sighed as he pushed open the door to the store. "You are such a grouchy old man. Why did you volunteer to go?" Grace asked, following the younger man inside.

"Because I wasn't going to be in charge of those three," he said referring to the maknae line, as he grabbed a basket, "because that meant I wouldn't have been able to sneak away for a nap."

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