BTS MOMENTS: Jungkok & Grace - Burgers

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There were many incidents where Jungkook and the boys would later forgive and move on, including this one. Grace, on the other hand, may forgive but she would never forget. Of course, BTS would later go on the show You Quiz On The Block and many ARMY commented that Grace seemed indifferent to one host in particular and many baby ARMY's asked why.

One fan commented: "It might be because of the burger incident that happened with Jo Seho on the Flower Crew with Jungkook. The boys have moved on it seems but Grace never forgets."

Grace remembered being on the couch, all of them settling in for the night to watch Jungkook's episode on Flower Crew. They were excited to see Jungkook flourish on his own and from what they heard from the management, it would be a pretty easy ride. However, that didn't seem to be the case.

Namjoon had been sitting next to Grace on the couch with Jimin next to her. He could feel the muscles in her thighs suddenly tense up and he could see the grip she had on her arms tighten, almost leaving indents in her skin.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

He didn't have to ask more because the situation on the TV became clear. Jungkook had been late because he personally bought burgers for the cast and when he arrived, he had enthusiastically showed them to the cast members. But he had been rejected, Jo Seho going as far as to say "I think this is leftovers" and for Jungkook to "forget it" when passing back the food.

The look on Jungkook's face broke all their hearts.

If there was one thing for certain, Grace was protective of Jungkook. He was still young, still idealistic and still in that period of life where you try your best to fit in everywhere. And that's exactly what he was trying to do.

"Hmmm," Grace hummed as she pursed her lips. It didn't help that when it came to viewer voting, it was clear Jungkook was getting ARMY's votes and the signals he was sending to stop them made Grace even more mad.

"I'll be back in a moment," she said as she stood up.

"She's angry," Jimin commented as he watched her go towards the hallway. "Very angry."

"I don't blame her. Jungkook is sensitive and that was just a slap to the face," Seokjin commented from where he sat with Yoongi who was glaring at the screen.

Soon they all got a notification from WeVerse and Twitter from Grace's account and their joint account.

"Maybe the next time Jungkook offers you something, you happily accept it instead of being an absolute idiot whose head is so far stuck up their arse."

It was all in English and clear who it was from.

It wasn't deleted for another day but the message was out there: Don't mess with Jungkook in Grace's presence.

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